One Synth Challenge #68: Synth1 by Ichiro Toda

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ImNotDedYet wrote: I'll suggest, as someone else already said...make the type of music you want to make rather than trying to fit it into a genre. If the music moves you, that should be enough - at least, that's my opinion and how I make music. Unless, of course, it's a goal of yours to win or place well in this competition. I make a form of EDM, and I know it doesn't jive with everyone, but I don't care. I'd rather make music that I'm passionate about and moves me than something I don't care as much for just for the masses. As I've said before, joining these comps and others has really gotten me a much deeper understanding of sound design and practice mixing, so it's been hugely beneficial for me - even if I don't win a prize at the end of the day.
Solid point! :) Have fun of course


Congrats to the winners! :clap:


Congrats to the winners. Very nice track this month. My fav was PWM. What a great composition. :clap:
bjporter wrote:
ImNotDedYet wrote: I'll suggest, as someone else already said...make the type of music you want to make rather than trying to fit it into a genre. If the music moves you, that should be enough - at least, that's my opinion and how I make music. Unless, of course, it's a goal of yours to win or place well in this competition. I make a form of EDM, and I know it doesn't jive with everyone, but I don't care. I'd rather make music that I'm passionate about and moves me than something I don't care as much for just for the masses. As I've said before, joining these comps and others has really gotten me a much deeper understanding of sound design and practice mixing, so it's been hugely beneficial for me - even if I don't win a prize at the end of the day.
Solid point! :) Have fun of course
@docbob: I agree with "INDY", remain true to yourself. Your EDM is really nice, your traditional songs as well. Even if we all would like to, winning the challenge is not the most important. But always have an eye (ear) on what the TOP people do and learn from them. I increased my own demands in the last 4 months a lot. That may happened without OSC, but with it was even faster. So listen what skills you can get from other tracks to apply to tunes of your style to make it better. IMO the structures of your "Space Bubbles" and your "InFlewEnces" are really good and thats what I missed a bit in your traditionals which have very nice melodies. Try to combine this. Its suggestion only, its up to you.


Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

Just have to say I'm not in it to win prizes at all, just to be part of a music community and to interact with talented people. My aim as far as the "charts" are concerned is to try to come higher than half way ;-)

As for the music style - I'll do whatever takes me at the time - it just happens that an "EDM" style popped out last time ... the next one is shaping up to be a little chill/ambient, what happens in the middle 8 is up for grabs at the moment ...

In the end, I am having fun, and a 1 month deadline is always a good thing.

So, thanks again everyone for comments and votes. As they say, watch this space (well, the Flexoid space!)




Congratulations to the winners and especially to who has done it again! :clap:

I agree with some of the other members that an important part of this competition is the sense of community. It is nice to have a small audience that listens to the songs and that gives (constructive) feedback. I really appreciate the feedback because it helps me to grow during my musical journey.

If you have not already done so then I can really recommend to take's offer and get some constructive feedback from him via PM. I have taken that opportunity and have gotten quite a detailed and helpful answer which really showed that he has taken the time to analyze and reflect on the track. Sorry if you are now flooded by PMs! :hihi: :wink:

Last but not least, I have to say I am quite content with the results. Most of the entries that have been voted above mine I would have considered as being better as my track anyway. Also compared to the last OSCs that I have attended I have made some ground and was voted right into the middle of the field instead of into the lower third. I think that's a good trend. :wink:

Hope to see you all in one of the next competitions!
Passed 303 posts. Next stop: 808.


Well done on your win :clap:
A very varied and interesting set of entries, would love to take part one time, but I am nowhere close to reaching the quality of tracks all you guys enter. :tu:
:tu: All is good


I've added some very minor changes to my track, and the module version also has a final download location now. If you want, you can now download the updated version at :)
'till the next OSC! :D


DrewDale wrote:Well done on your win :clap:
A very varied and interesting set of entries, would love to take part one time, but I am nowhere close to reaching the quality of tracks all you guys enter. :tu:
There's a quicker way to get to that quality...

enter and accept feedback from the other contestants. ;)


ImNotDedYet wrote:
DrewDale wrote:Well done on your win :clap:
A very varied and interesting set of entries, would love to take part one time, but I am nowhere close to reaching the quality of tracks all you guys enter. :tu:
There's a quicker way to get to that quality...

enter and accept feedback from the other contestants. ;)
True wisdom :tu:


ImNotDedYet wrote:
DrewDale wrote:... would love to take part one time, but I am nowhere close to reaching the quality of tracks all you guys enter.
There's a quicker way to get to that quality...
enter and accept feedback from the other contestants. ;)
Yep, I was going to suggest this, too! Just enter with something!

The first time I entered, I was NOWHERE near as good as some of the producers (Zebralette, if you care to see how bad it was). I was naive and thought I was pretty good... and then realized I had so much left to learn and spent a long time learning the things to make my tracks better, every month. Because of the awesomeness of this community, when I asked for feedback, the community gave it. This is why I always offer constructive criticism to anyone who wants it.

It may take a year or two or more, but there is no better way to learn if you want to (except, maybe attending a college curriculum for electronic music production or getting some intensive training from a pro). Like so many things in life, you are rewarded for the effort you put in. Completing a track month after month forces you to put at least that much effort in. It helped me gain a purpose to actually develop something more than some 8-bar ideas of loops...


Yes..I have neglible sound design or mixing skills and knew I was going to come at or near the bottom, especially as the time I can spend is very limited, but the track by the end was much - improved from its first draft. I was quite happy with 122 points if truth be told.

I can't get my head around Flexoid in time to enter this month but I'll be back as soon as we have a simpler synth or one with more presets..

Grats to all the entrants, and thanks to all those who gave feedback. .
Sonar Platinum, Ignite and Ableton Live 9 DAWS
AIR Hybrid 3, Synthmaster, Z3ta+2, Addictive Drums 2, True Piano Amber, Rapture, Dim Pro, BFD Eco, AAS Strum, Addictive Keys, Synth 1 VSTs
Nektar LX61, Korg MicroKey and Akai Pro LPD8 Pad


excessional wrote:Yes..I have neglible sound design or mixing skills and knew I was going to come at or near the bottom, especially as the time I can spend is very limited, but the track by the end was much - improved from its first draft. .
This just shows what good sensible interaction on this group can do to help people. I would agree with you that the track was much improved since the first draft.

Yup, Flexoid is a weird and wonderful beast. Still getting my head around the sound design, but slowly getting there.

Will watch for your next entries (I've only done 6 so far and am still learning - a lot I must say).



Congratulation, guys!
Really good tunes this time! :)

Changing handle to Subject36..


Pray for change hasn't work :).

Z.Prime has winned again!


This track wasn't made for the One Synth Challenge, and it includes vocals (and a lil' ambient noise) so it wouldn't fit within the rules...

BUT everything else in the track is Synth1 -- and it's had some real-world success, radio play etc -- I released it a few months ago.

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