Will there be a Group Buy for ArtsAcoustic Reverb?

Official support for: artsacoustic.com


Me too! I'm waiting for a group buy or price reduction in some form!


waiting ...


waiting too...


A song by the cure(for reverb needs?) seems to point it out: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=am ... abq33uoj6a



I'd buy it for $120. Right now, after spending about $500 on a new soundcard and midi interface, $189 is a little steep. Plus, I would help advertise during the group buy. ;)


Yes, please!!

I've joined Lurkers Anonymous.


I'd be in on it if there was a group buy! Regards


I can understand why a developer would shy away from the GB thing. Keeping it at the going rate establishes a reputation of high quality standard over time...

But a 33% one-time, one month only Christmas discount to celebrate the new update would be superb.



If there's a group buy I'm in. Would definitely be a great christmas gift.


stranger4u wrote:If there's a group buy I'm in. Would definitely be a great christmas gift.
C'mon St Nick - come to the party ;-)

You wouldn't wanna disappoint the children - they've been so very good all year.


Same here guys, 189 is just a tad too much for me. Cmon, group buy for Christmas !! :D:D:D:D Make us all happy :)

Awesome verb :D
Last edited by fgimian on Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.


Yeah somewhere in the $120 range would be sweet.

Maybe if this thread gets 100 posts or so they will consider.


I'd also be very interested in a group buy.


Just tried the demo and hell yeah, I'd be in.
"What embecile composed this list :/"


Not knowing what that 100 post theory is based on I fully support the idea of fulfilling it.

Perhaps they're waiting for enough fuss about it, waiting for more people writing and saying they'll buy it in this thread. The problem is that meanwhile, some people find other solutions, forget about it or buy it at the regular price. (And that means that the amount of groupbuyers won't increase much and there will be basically as many people buying it at the current price than there would be otherwise...perhaps even less since we've been hyping a groupbuy causing people to wait.

But what you'll do regarding afterwards will just be to say that it is the only groupbuy in 2 years or something, so people will be more interested in buying it now and won't expect another groupbuy in the near future.

Last edited by Seus Hawkins on Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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