Unsupported Plugins that work on Receptor!

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Is it always "@page"?


Yes, it does that exact error three times. These are the errors now:

- Reached next section ("@page") before finding "background="
- No background image set for page "midipage"
- Reached next section ("@page") before finding "background="
- No background image set for page "wfe1page"
- Reached next section ("@page") before finding "background="
- No background image set for page "wfe2page"
- No valid font definitions found
- No valid controls defined in skin description
- Velocity curve box section missing
- Aftertouch curve box section missing
- Waveform editor 1 section missing
- Waveform editor 2 section missing
- LFO editor 1 section missing
- LFO editor 2 section missing
- XY Pad section missing


Hmm. Either it doesn't even notice the last two pages, then, or it reads them properly... this is most distressing and inexplicable.

An even more verbose version. It might test your patience, unfortunately, but it'll report anything it sees that looks like a section while searching for one. Tell me how often it says it comes across a "@page", and if it reports any successes.


Any chance it could dump to a text file rather than pop-ups?


You're right. Done.


I've emailed the log, lets try to fix this via email now :)


Works now, it seems. Thanks for catching this and helping me resolve it.


Hybernation wrote:Albino 3 works great as "unsupported" on Receptor. Leaves Albino2 (fully Receptorized) completely alone and functional, too.

After installed as unsupported, you can drag-n-drop all the folders under the "banks" folder to "Drop Installers Here" and install all of the FXP presets as Receptorized presets. When I did this I got the message "2072 worked 119 failed"...but hey, 2072 presets?!?!? I'm not complaining.

This thing sound pretty awesome. Of course those four-part layer patches can eat your CPU ALIVE!
I just bought and installed Albino 3 as an unsupported. It sounds great. After dropping the .FXP banks into "Drop Installers Here" I got the same results. Unfortunately "Bass Molecules.fxp" was not converted in a receptorized form and it is unfortunately the reason I bought Albino! Can you believe it! Also, how can I get the .fxp files into an .FXB and then load the bank? Anybody?


It could be that some presets are still in Albino 2 format in terms of signature, and need to be converted to Albino 3 before installing via the Drop folder. It happened to me with CronoX 3, some presets would not be recognised because they were in CronoX 2 format and Receptor didn't know what to do with them since the plugin ID for CronoX 3 is different from version 2.


Kermit Jagger wrote:It could be that some presets are still in Albino 2 format in terms of signature, and need to be converted to Albino 3 before installing via the Drop folder. It happened to me with CronoX 3, some presets would not be recognised because they were in CronoX 2 format and Receptor didn't know what to do with them since the plugin ID for CronoX 3 is different from version 2.
Are you saying that I can save the preset while in Albino3 and it will then be in Albino3 format?


Is it possible to get an ILOK license for Albino2 for free if I own Albino3?


Yes. I had to save the presets from Cronox3 to change them. Then I was able to have them recognised when installing via the Drop folder. Same thing with Albino I guess.


Prodyons Robocorder works wonderfully on receptor. You install the i version. I have not had so much fun in a long time. Very cool vocal textures, and not just to try to sing in robot form, but nice vocal like pads and textures. Highly recommended.


Did you get an error message when installing about a module not registered ? I had that when trying a while back.


tconrardy wrote:Prodyons Robocorder works wonderfully on receptor. You install the i version. I have not had so much fun in a long time. Very cool vocal textures, and not just to try to sing in robot form, but nice vocal like pads and textures. Highly recommended.
Where can I find Prodyons Robocorder? Google doesn't even know of its existence!


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