ANNOUNCEMENT: Stephen Howell passed away

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robojam wrote:I assume that his family will financially benefit from sales on Hollow Sun still?

I have been holding off from buying a lot of products from there, but perhaps now would be a good time? Maybe if anyone wants to do something practical to help his family out they can consider buying something from the site very soon? I know I will do this.

Sad news indeed. RIP.
same here; I have several things, yet still more I'm interested in. Hollow Sun was THE reason I upgraded Kontakt.


Wow! Just Wow! He was a prince and his passing will be greatly missed. We had many, many e-mail conversations over the years and he was so excited and passionate about what he did which was so unique. I am very sorry for this news.


I'd just like to echo everyone's sentiments. Stephen sure made some amazing instruments.
I really hope somebody will take forward his legacy of those instruments as software continues to advance, as they can be a huge inspiration to many for a long time to come.
I send my condolences to close friends and family at this difficult time.


Here's last year's Soundbytes magazine huge three-part interview with Steve. He had so many stories to tell...
Last edited by EvilDragon on Sat May 31, 2014 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Never met the guy but R.i.p :(


Very sad news indeed, his passion will be greatly missed. RIP Steve.


Shocking news.. RIP Stephen!
music // twolegs // geometriae
sounddesign // twolegstoneworks


EvilDragon wrote:Here's last year's Soundbytes magazine huge three-part interview with Steve. He had so many stories to tell...
Just reread this. Inspiring stuff. I didn't know Stephen but this news has stayed with me all day. I think because of the creativity and intelligence in his work. I am another person who bought Kontakt just so I could run HS instruments. I picked up the Novatron and MLM Suite II today. Long been on my list.

The instruments you guys made together inspire a lot of exploration and leave plenty of creative room for the user.
Mad science was fun on the Hollow Sun. Big loss. Hope you find a way to continue in the same spirit.

I'm off to listen to Prokofiev.


RIP Steve. He and I had a nice email exchange back in January. He was a great guy!



Deeply shocked and saddened beyond words by this news.


Shocking and heartbreaking. Rest in peace, Mr. Howell.


Sadness, of course. I always looked forward to his new products. And yes, I knew him from the Fusion some years back.


I am shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Steve was a true pioneer of sampling and a great asset to the community.

I had the privilege and pleasure of working with Steve in the early days of Dangerous Bear. In fact, dBu's first product was a Reason ReFill of the old Hollow Sun free library.

Hopefully, his legacy will go forward.

My heart is full of positive thoughts for his family. I will miss him.

John Gibson


Sad indeed. R.I.P Stephen.


Heartfelt condolences to Stephen's friends and family. He is deeply missed.


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