Signal Analyzer

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Optomadic wrote:Not to sound ungrateful but may you could make 2 separate analyzers?
you mean two separate plots for left and right instead of colour coding? i could...but what would be the real advantage of such a presentation? i mean, i'd have to squeeze the plot-height then by a factor of two (or a bit more than that). or increase the GUI size (and - by the same token - couldn't an increased GUI size be better used for a bigger color-coded display then?)
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No no 2 separate plugins one for freq other for amp. Either that or maybe when you switch to velocity view it turns off FFT all together (vice versa)..
stay juicy!


Optomadic wrote:No no 2 separate plugins one for freq other for amp.
there would not be any benefit in that - if you want spectrum analysis and oscilloscope at the same time, simply use two instances, one as spectrum analyzer and one as oscilloscope. see, the only 'advantage' of having separate plugins for each application would be the *impossibility* to switch the mode for each.
Either that or maybe when you switch to velocity view it turns off FFT all together (vice versa)..
velocity? this is not a MIDI monitor - i guess you are talking about the time domain signal (oscilloscope view)? in that view, of course, the FFT is not running - it only runs when it's needed. ...ahh i see the first request now in a different light - you assumed the FFT was always running and wasting CPU even in oscilloscope mode? no - that's not the case.
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Ahh I see. Ok sorry for being a bit selfish there :oops:
stay juicy!


selfish? i would say, you have been having some misconceptions about the internal working of the plugin but i can't see you having been selfish here.
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i really like your plugs, very useful .
I have a little question: does signal analyser introduce some latency ? I really like the gui, and I'm thinking to use it as meter for live use.I ask this question because most of analyse's plugs I know introduce latency

thanks again !



damstraversaz wrote:i really like your plugs, very useful .
I have a little question: does signal analyser introduce some latency ?
not on the audio path - signals are just passed through. only the visual display is delayed by the blocksize.
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thanks for the quick answer! :)


damstraversaz wrote:thanks for the quick answer! :)
no problem. however, i'm not so sure if i would really recommend it for live may slow down the responsiveness of your setup (the actual FFT is done in the GUI thread).
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


Again with the FFT :hihi: :P
stay juicy!


Hi Robin,

is it possible to add one more mode:

L-R Spectrum Difference,

very useful for filter or EQ design.

Many thanks, Your plugins are top gear.



+1, some sort of mid/side mode would be lovely


yes - mid/side mode is very useful indeed. i have implemented it today. unfortunately, it appears that i have messed up a couple of other things while refactoring the code (which was due anyway). when fixed, i'll upload it.
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Robin from wrote:when fixed, i'll upload it. here we go:

this one is different in that it uses my newer GUI look-and-feel and is also very different internally. ah - and i apparently changed the name with the hidden agenda that it may eventually may provide yet more views and analysis options. so i hope, i didn't break anything - just let me know when something doesn't work as expected.

if everything is alright, i'll address some minor cosmetic modifications and finally make an official update.
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


Hi man,

I like this plugin alot. But your new version is quite pc hungry.

Anyway as much as i find this plugin useful, could you implement something like a slow motion knob in a new version? Because it's quite difficult to follow the waves sometimes

Anyway thanks for this plugin :tu:

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