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Rejection of a lover
plays havoc with the heart
Your demons inside you
Tear you apart
Lost in translation
The reasons disolve
Stuck in a loop
The mind de-evolves

Catch 22
No answers are found
Just a confusion
Knocks you back to the ground
As time passes
Is the adage true
The demons are angels
Releasing the old you


the myth

Where was I
when the good Lord shut the door
and blocked it with a sword
because Adam and Eve were a problem?

I wonder what they thought
did they agree (there) on the spot?
to believe the fiction
we call love and understanding.

there are things that pass between us
too true for us to say
they shout out for attention
but we make them go away.

dream on...
dream on..
dream on.

how in Hera's name
did these snakes get in my bed?
I thought that we had said
there's no complication hiding in the bedroom

and when did life become
so tangled up and twisted?
I tried so hard to listen
but the only thing I heard were the Sirens.

the hardest thing to be is me
when all I want to see
is you

what made me izanami?
when the spell that fell upon me
and you saw that I was broken
Last edited by ouroboros on Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.


hmm, I think the lyric discussion thread has been destroyed.
a bump to feed the wolves at the door...
..what goes around comes around..


to avoid culling, here's a little something I did for a friend - to be sung whiskey'd and blue:
Tom waits is better than you
He writes good music and
He is in the movies, too
Tom Waits is better than you.

Tom Waits is better than you.

Some people are just lucky
Most people are just blue
At least it aint just me
Tom Waits is better than you

Tom Waits is better than you.

And for all of his troubles
The critics love him true
So does the public
He's better than you

Tom waits is better than you.

He never sold out.
Not to me or to you
the man stuck to his guns
He's better than you

People pay money for their prophets
and all of Job's friends.
but he's not speaking from a burning bush
or from the whirlwind
he's just out there in the open
he's out there in the open

Tom waits is better than you

He found a river blue
That spills out wretched grace
He knows the things we do
Tom waits is better than you

Tom Waits is better than you


like adversion
tacit for the very first time
like adveeeeeersiiioooon
when your car seat's next to mine
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


posterity bump
..what goes around comes around..


ouroboros wrote:posterity bump
I've got it bookmarked!
and here's a link to the discussion thread! (bookmarked, too)


[seems like bad timing for this one]
Last edited by hao nao on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


can i use that please kevin?


fwiw, I liked it :)
..what goes around comes around..


ouroboros wrote:fwiw, I liked it :)
oi, me too
put it back kevin!


thanks, yous :)


she will return
all your bottles of black water
her way of thanking you
for all you've done

she has her charms
she's slow to burn
she'll wash her hair
in the ocean of night

she has her moods
she has her phases
she hangs her laundry
naked in the moonlight

she will return
all your bottles of black water
her way of thanking you
for all you've done

you'd better drive
down a different road
she feels you're leaving her
no other choice

save your regrets
regret won't save you
just pack your bags
for a little tour of hell

she will return
all your bottles of black water
they'll find their way to you
one by one by one


copyright (C) 2008 Kevin R. Fortin
all commercial rights reserved
5 twelve


in this thread perhaps:
Meffy wrote:At the edge of the world
The sky was so blue
But the break ran down here...

So he pushed his head through.
..what goes around comes around..


[quote="ouroboros"][/quote] instrumental? :wink:


I actually used this one already, but thought I'd share it here if someone else wanted to use this in a different song :)


Laying back on my bed.
Thinking about you.

How bad you smell.
Can't forget it about you.

Can't get no sleep now.
Your stench is intense.

You want to have some fun?
No, it can't be done.

I will rather wank
than dip it in you.

You're not welcome here.
Find out someone new.

I can't take no more
getting laid each time.

I must hold my breath
passing out all night.

Smell keeps getting worse,
as the days go by.

I must keep myself,
wide awake through night.

Pack your panties and
stay out of my life.

You should try yourself,
staying week outside.

Words can't describe
that rotting smell.

I fear I'll get infected
by you somehow.

I regret the day I met you.
It was a mistake.

I can promise you now
you'll never see me again.

CHORUS AGAIN (same words as before)

Laying back on my bed.
Thinking about you.

But now that you're dead.
You don't smell so bad.
Misspellers of the world, unit!

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