Lethal vst?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Drummed up a mini demo to give an idea of some of the sounds. Went for a sort of early aughts pop hip hop vibe http://picosong.com/ZbGB/


nineofkings wrote:Drummed up a mini demo to give an idea of some of the sounds. Went for a sort of early aughts pop hip hop vibe http://picosong.com/ZbGB/
Great sample! Sounds great.

I really like the expansion. Lots of new sounds. The brass stuff sounds really good to me. I'm not big on hip hop myself, but I can see myself using some of these sounds. So I'd say the new sounds could definitely be used in other genres.


Downloaded the Hip Hop expansion today . . . cool stuff. I especially dig the basses, subs, and brassy stuff on this pack.


LA homepage now offering demo version...

Download and try 100 select sounds in this fully functional, no time limit demo of Lethal.
Complete the form below to receive an email with your download links.


I own Lethal and I downloaded the demo to see if any sounds were not in the original library. They are now I cannot get the demo tab out of lethal! LOL


Indeed there is now a fully functional demo (100 presets included). Scroll to the bottom of the page, fill out the form and receive your download link via email: https://www.lethalaudio.com/

It's basically a free fully functional version with 100 presets. Not too shabby. Gives a good idea of what to expect. In my case, it was worth picking up just for the Sub Bass 002 preset alone, though I am definitely enjoying other sounds as well. It seems targeted towards House, Trance, Dance, etc.. which is not the type of music that I make, but there are sounds in there that would be great for many types of music. I will not get Lethal for $199 but if there is a sale around Christmas I might bite, especially since there is now a Hip Hop pack and more packs to follow.. we'll see.. try the demo (which is not actually even a demo, since it's fully functional) so let me re-phrase.. try the free version that comes with 100 presets :)
Play it by ear


Downloaded the expansion yesterday and had a play with the new sounds. I don't make hip hop but obviously you can very much use the sounds in the new expansion in any genre. I actually found these sounds to be better than the ones in the core library, especially the basses.


Alright guys. I had lethal since the second week it came out and spent a lot of time with it. For those of you who are on the edge this may help you a little. so let me first just say, this vst seems like a toy next to nexus in every shape and form. The presets for each type of preset all sound similar with very little differences within the daw. For example, you'll have EDM lead 1,2,3, etc they're all the same with different variations of the knobs in the daw. Their formula seems to be collecting a few good presets for each category and duplicating them several times altering each one very little. One the good side, the presets are great qauility but the downside is there just isn't enough because how similar every preset is and their is nothing truly unique within itself compared to nexus, each stock pad is something different with character whereas the lethal presets are all just basic with no character at all.

The faith of this vst is within the expansion packs, if they do the same process as the core library people very quickly are going to feel like they've being scammed.

The good for this vst was I was able to produce a full track just by using the presets. Fx, drums, leads, etc..used 40 something tracks just with lethal which was surprising and percussion, fx, and even kicks can work well with your project. I actually like the way they label their presets, pretty straightforward and it would be hard to name each preset anyways since they sound very similar to the previous preset.

So as a final thought, I like lethal however it does has its issues and is overpriced. But at the end of the day it all comes down to the quality of their expansion packs. I want to see more presets with character and unique sounds. As is, id say this vst is worth $99. The fact that nexus is $250 you might as well get nexus over lethal for an extra $50.

The presets sound good, that's the bottom line, but they have no character or uniqueness, just cookie cutter sounds for $200. Ultimately now that there is a demo You can try for yourself and see if you like it however I'm not sure what they included. Just be aware a lot of the presets sound the same.


Thanks Benny, this is what I thought as soon as I downloaded the demo. It's cool, but $199.00 ? I could see maybe $99.00 but for a new company to come in asking that much for a rompler,ouch. They're going up against a beast in Nexus. Not to mention,they're close to the asking price of Halion sonic 2 at that price point, which gives you Hypersonic 2 < - COMPLETE BEAST. ;) Anyways good luck Lethal, I'm sure many will support it.I'd be more interested if they dropped the price to a more reasonable offer.

pheeleep that must be some sub bass ;) I could find a 100 other alternative ways to spend $199.00 but thats great,(a microbrute analog could be had for that price used) must be some bass.
INTERFACE: RME ADI-2/4 Pro/Antelope Orion Studio Synergy Core/BAE 1073 MPF Dual/Heritage Audio Successor+SYMPH EQ
SYNTHS: Moog Matriarch/Korg Kronos X 88/Yamaha Montage M8x/Sequential Trigon 6/DM12
Behringer DM12D/Pro-800


trusampler wrote:Thanks Benny, this is what I thought as soon as I downloaded the demo. It's cool, but $199.00 ? I could see maybe $99.00 but for a new company to come in asking that much for a rompler,ouch. They're going up against a beast in Nexus. Not to mention,they're close to the asking price of Halion sonic 2 at that price point, which gives you Hypersonic 2 < - COMPLETE BEAST. ;) Anyways good luck Lethal, I'm sure many will support it.I'd be more interested if they dropped the price to a more reasonable offer.

pheeleep that must be some sub bass ;) I could find a 100 other alternative ways to spend $199.00 but thats great,(a microbrute analog could be had for that price used) must be some bass.
It's a cool sub bass. I have many others. I am talking about the free version of lethal, so it cost me nothing at all to get this cool sub bass sound. I did not buy Lethal to get this sound. I got it for free with the fully functional demo ;) All I am saying is get the free version as there may be some sounds that you find useful and may want to use... since it's free.
Play it by ear


This vst seems like a toy next to nexus in every shape and form.
I always felt the Nexus was a toy...


BennyLucassi wrote:Alright guys. I had lethal since the second week it came out and spent a lot of time with it. For those of you who are on the edge this may help you a little. so let me first just say, this vst seems like a toy next to nexus in every shape and form. The presets for each type of preset all sound similar with very little differences within the daw. For example, you'll have EDM lead 1,2,3, etc they're all the same with different variations of the knobs in the daw. Their formula seems to be collecting a few good presets for each category and duplicating them several times altering each one very little. One the good side, the presets are great qauility but the downside is there just isn't enough because how similar every preset is and their is nothing truly unique within itself compared to nexus, each stock pad is something different with character whereas the lethal presets are all just basic with no character at all.

The faith of this vst is within the expansion packs, if they do the same process as the core library people very quickly are going to feel like they've being scammed.

The good for this vst was I was able to produce a full track just by using the presets. Fx, drums, leads, etc..used 40 something tracks just with lethal which was surprising and percussion, fx, and even kicks can work well with your project. I actually like the way they label their presets, pretty straightforward and it would be hard to name each preset anyways since they sound very similar to the previous preset.

So as a final thought, I like lethal however it does has its issues and is overpriced. But at the end of the day it all comes down to the quality of their expansion packs. I want to see more presets with character and unique sounds. As is, id say this vst is worth $99. The fact that nexus is $250 you might as well get nexus over lethal for an extra $50.

The presets sound good, that's the bottom line, but they have no character or uniqueness, just cookie cutter sounds for $200. Ultimately now that there is a demo You can try for yourself and see if you like it however I'm not sure what they included. Just be aware a lot of the presets sound the same.
I bought this at $150 due to the pricing error and I am still unsure about it. You raise some very good points.

A lot of the synth leads and such I will never use. Frankly, they are nothing that isn't already available with presets in some of my other synths and the lack of flexibility doesn't help. I honestly think the leads are the weakest part of this plugin. I expected more polish being that it's a rompler.

My biggest disappointment has been the expansions so far. Not so much for the quality but the scheduling. When we bought this, they told us it would be 2 weeks till we got the first two expansions. A month and a half later we finally got the first one. I've lost a lot of faith in Lethal until they get their stuff together and start putting out proper expansions that make it worth the cost.

I'd say as it is, it was worth $125 mainly because the plugin is stand alone with its own engine. If it were running in Kontakt, I'd say it would be worth $99 as it is.


I really don't think it's fair to compare to Nexus. There are pros and cons to both. (dongle anyone?) I do think Lethal is priced a bit high for the amount of sounds you get and the mixed quality you see between some of the categories of sounds. I'd agree with the above posters that some of the presets sound very similar, but I think there are not-so-obvious differences. Even with that, I'd say I'm happy with the sounds; even the leads. To me they sound ready to pop in to a mix. They just sound clean, and the FXs are not something to involve yourself with too much. I don't care for them that much.

TL;DR: If I want a clean sound I can find quickly, I'll pull up Lethal. If I want something that sounds messy and drenched in good effects, I'll pull up Spire. Lethal does a good job of what it offers. And I'm looking forward to the free expansions for a year.


Mystic wrote:
BennyLucassi wrote:Alright guys. I had lethal since the second week it came out and spent a lot of time with it. For those of you who are on the edge this may help you a little. so let me first just say, this vst seems like a toy next to nexus in every shape and form. The presets for each type of preset all sound similar with very little differences within the daw....
I bought this at $150 due to the pricing error and I am still unsure about it. You raise some very good points....
As much I like the basic sound (from downloading the demo), from reading BennyLucassi's helpful review and other comments here, I don't really see getting this for $200 given that I already have Nexus. Like others have said upstream, looks like this is a "wait until it goes on sale" synth for me (although even then, I'll have to think carefully depending on the discount).


So there is a demo now, and a generous one too! That is excellent, gonna be checking it :)
Download and try 100 select sounds in this fully functional, no time limit demo of Lethal.
Wow, download is 600MB+ :o

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