One-Synth-Challenge #66: ODsay by Elektrostudio (Keith303 Wins!)

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Well done :) Sounds like the soundtrack to the time-lapse documentary "From single-cell organisms to humans in 6.5 minutes" :)


-sry doublepost-
Last edited by keith303 on Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


(hitting quote instead of edit seems tempting) :roll:
Last edited by keith303 on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.


keith303 wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote: It's not obvious at all. By far not everyone on this board knows about those things or does them the way you do. I never use any external filters. I do use equalizers, but you have listed those separately, anyway.
i'd also use EQs for the described purpose, if renoise's internal EQs were better in terms of offering a steeper curve and allowing more negative gain on the respective band.
-20db is enough to lower the amplitude of a frequency spectrum, but just not enough to kill it.
and as renoise's filter device offers both, a very steep curve in butterworth mode and -inf on the amplitude, it's my weapon of choice.
fluffy_little_something wrote:
And again, it is not just about the filters. There are so many external plugins being used in the OSC's that I really doubt the point of it all. I think this competition should serve to demonstrate the sound of the synth chosen. When I send it through numerous effects, the resulting sound could also be from any other synth out there.
well, i can right now only refer to my entry, as i haven't checked other people's plugin lists at all (i don't care actually), but more than 3/4 of the plugins used, don't color the sound or change it in a sonically essential manner - most of them simply serve mastering purposes like cutting, lowering or gaining frequencies.
if you'd disallow their usage, the overall soundquality would probably suffer to a degree, that the tunes wouldn't be enjoyable to listen anymore.
besides that, the authors would be taken the chance to train their mixing/mastering skills or get hints concerning that, because you'd have eliminated it.
not feasible for both, listeners and artists, if you ask me.


I don't want to disallow their usage, but I guess comparing the version with and without external plugins would be interesting and revealing in some cases :)


yes, i see your point :)
but what i essentially wanted to point out is:
i think current OSC rules are pretty well thought out, so that a significant coloration of the synth's sound isn't possible anyhow - even without changing anything on the rules.
and listening to a "raw" version of the entries will most probably only result into something i'd consider as horrible, rather than interesting ;)


keith303 wrote:if you'd disallow their usage, the overall soundquality would probably suffer to a degree, that the tunes wouldn't be enjoyable to listen anymore.
besides that, the authors would be taken the chance to train their mixing/mastering skills or get hints concerning that, because you'd have eliminated it.
not feasible for both, listeners and artists, if you ask me.
I wholeheartedly agree about this. Realistically, if you used a single synth for a track in hardware, you would have access to a mixing board with EQ. And a room with a speaker for reverb. Saying that these cannot be used is just not a realistic scenario for any environment - today or even in the distant past.

There are 2 main divisions on this subject: those that want to allow all/most effects to make the tracks better, and those that want to disallow them all to have a pure synth sound.

We've voted multiple times and the majority has voted for keeping the effects, so no point in pointing out use in a negative light. And, as has already been stated, the filters are used as EQ, which admittedly is used by just about everyone.


So the question is whether the OSC is more about sound design for a particular synth or production skills in general, both of which there is a dedicated sub-forum for :wink:

I have never voted in an OSC and I probably never will, I would not know what exactly to evaluate, frankly...
But it is interesting to see, or hear rather, what different people achieve with the same synth, especially limited and free ones. Some of it is pretty cool :)

Does winning such a contest lead to anything professionally? Say, labels knocking on your virtual door? :D


Guys, I know it is no new topic, but the compression that SoundCloud applied to our recent trailer is the worst ever. Have a look at the difference. The top is SoundCloud, the bottom is the original waveform.


They erase all the headroom. The first part doesn't breath any more and the warbling sound at the end is a pain in the ass. So stupid! I had to write this. It is so frustrating. :(
Last edited by RuediRena on Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Would be more telling to compare the actual sound.
But one does see a certain difference of course. SC is probably trying to fight the challenges resulting from its own success...

I don't think the slightly deteriorated sound will decide such a contest, though :)


fluffy_little_something wrote:Does winning such a contest lead to anything professionally? Say, labels knocking on your virtual door? :D
THAT would be awesome!!!! :-P Any takers? Bueller?


RuediRena wrote:The erase all the headroom. The first part doesn't breath any more and the warbling sound at the end is a pain in the ...
Also, remember, the waveforms are not representative of the sound really, more just an overview. Especially now that they've gone to those more coarse preview images...


fluffy_little_something wrote:I don't think the slightly deteriorated sound will decide such a contest, though :)
This not slightly deteriorated. The effect is grave, believe me. Download the track and take a direct comparison. You will hear it.

Post wrote:remember, the waveforms are not representative of the sound really, more just an overview. Especially now that they've gone to those more coarse preview images...
Have a look at the old waveform. You can still see it with groups.


Not identical but you see the heavy compression. This is no issue of graphics and waveforms. My ears are bleeding when I listen in Soundcloud. Our track for the Music Café Contest is alright on SoundCloud. Wunderkind Putsch came out terrible. But enough of that.

Have a good day


There are some tips on how to improve the SC audio stream quality:

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