Softube Modular

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Softube Modular


So monophonic? Audio rate?


Promising product, but the presentation and the Messe preparation felt somewhat rushed in my eyes.

Judging from the video, paraphonic voices are there, I think audio rate is also inside the box. I'd be curious on the module limitations and the CPU usage.


Somebody just posted this in another thread. ... gin-636757

This brings up an interesting issue. It appears that when you get this, you get a stock collection of modules for $99. Then, if you want additional modules, you have to pay extra for each one. This could add up to quite an investment over time.

PS - This is probably the most excited I've been over a synth since I've been programming synths going back to my Moog days. This is really cool.


Need to give this a better look, but first thing I thought when I saw the announcement is "we already have Reaktor 6 with tons of free blocks".

Well, I don't. Yet. But I've been seriously thinking of getting it so I can get my modular on. Don't think I can wait for K11.


There is something really perverse and cynical about buying individual modules for your virtual eurorack. I mean, I get it, its a good path to profitability... And the modules are probably licensed from the original creators. Still, it feels more like NI charging for individual Reaktor blocks than it does Propellerheads selling add-on Reason synths. Of course I'll still end up buying it because I'm a sucker, despite having over 1200 HP of actual eurorack sitting here next to me.
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


Well if anyone can do it softube can. Instant buy for $99.
I will take the Lord's name in vain, whenever I want. Hail Satan! And his little goblins too. :lol:


So this is like a native Scope Modular, nice!


Pretty sweet, how long until 100% ModularGrid coverage :party:


Speaking of things perverse, having watched "I Dream of Wires" recently (don't watch this btw, it'll make you want to spend all the money you don't have building a modular synth the size of a wall) where the idea was to get away from computer-based music, it's kinda funny seeing these types of modular synths recreated in software.

After watching those Softube videos, I'm still not sold. I see a basic package and a potential Custom Shop full of IAPs. I think NI have a better offering with Reaktor where you can even interface with hardware. They sent out an email a couple of days ago with some cool presentations about this.

That said, one advantage the Softube offering has from a usability perspective is the virtual patch cables. With Reaktor the connections are still buried away a bit.


Well, I know where my IRS refund is going this year.


Reaktor 6 Blocks is fantastic and I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in this and hasn't already checked it out.

This looks great too, but after looking at what they've shown so far, to be honest I think I'm a bit more interested in future emulations of more interesting and characterful modules rather than most of the launch lineup.

Also I went ahead and added a few links from the recent posts and a bit of info from the messe video to the OP.


Wow! I was hoping someone would make something like this.


sprnva wrote:Speaking of things perverse, having watched "I Dream of Wires" recently (don't watch this btw, it'll make you want to spend all the money you don't have building a modular synth the size of a wall) where the idea was to get away from computer-based music, it's kinda funny seeing these types of modular synths recreated in software.

After watching those Softube videos, I'm still not sold. I see a basic package and a potential Custom Shop full of IAPs. I think NI have a better offering with Reaktor where you can even interface with hardware. They sent out an email a couple of days ago with some cool presentations about this.

That said, one advantage the Softube offering has from a usability perspective is the virtual patch cables. With Reaktor the connections are still buried away a bit.
On the other hand Reaktor already has several hundred Eurorack and original blocks in the user library (not least Mike Hetrick's Eurorack modules) and of course has more scope for user tweaking of modules themselves rather than just patching. Softube clearly see this as a cash cow they can keep milking indefinitely - still I'll probably bite if the third party modules look interesting (the base ones don't particularly).


deastman wrote:There is something really perverse and cynical about buying individual modules for your virtual eurorack. I mean, I get it, its a good path to profitability... And the modules are probably licensed from the original creators. Still, it feels more like NI charging for individual Reaktor blocks than it does Propellerheads selling add-on Reason synths. Of course I'll still end up buying it because I'm a sucker, despite having over 1200 HP of actual eurorack sitting here next to me.
Well, as always, it will come down to how good the modules are. If they 1:1 sound like your hardware and you can load as many instances as you want, wouldn't that be worth it? My main issue is I haven't heard any Doepfer modules that I liked.


Uncle E wrote:My main issue is I haven't heard any Doepfer modules that I liked.
None of the really dumb people I knew when I was young are young any more.

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