v3 Beta Feedback And Discussion (Bugs, Features, Suggestions)

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themixtape wrote:Well I'm not off to a good start. I'm stuck trying to open the program with this message:

"unlocking the application..."

It won't do anything. Have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to close... can't get in at all.

I installed it to a folder called RapidComposer3Beta (so I wouldn't overwrite my version 2.9)


It stays stuck on the screen, unless I click+drag, then I get my old friend "we're sorry but RapidComposer crashed...", which it then, closes.

Still can't get in to the program...
Hi Chris,

I haven't tried this at all, to install the beta without previous activated version.
I am sorry, it indeed crashes. I am fixing this as we speak.
BTW keep up the good work with the wiki. We can add text styles later, just import the chapters into the wiki.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


The following issues are fixed already:
  • fixed: running the beta without previous registered v2 version crashed
  • fixed: it is not possible to rename a track in the inspector
  • snap and grid menus are readable even when 16th note triplet is selected
  • fixed: click+hold+drag for zoom crashes if any of the variation parameter envelope active
  • mouse wheel works over track list. Hold Ctrl or Alt to scroll slower.
  • controls work in the phrase editor
Thanks again!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Fast work, Attila :tu:

I'm curious if the bugs I reported are reproducable or if they are limited to my system.

Is anyone else able to drop generators to their tracks or able to select/move phrases along the timeline?

Out of curiosity I loaded v2.9 and do not have this problem, so I'm not sure.

I could install RC to my W7 computer, but I prefer to keep it on the Vista machine for networking purposes.

BTW, I am happy to report the network aspects (MIDI over LAN) are working fine for as much as I have been able to test. RC recognizes all MIDI ports and is sending/receiving well, so far.

My DAW System:
W7, i5, x64, 8Gb Ram, Edirol FA-101


Hi Attila,

I just redownloaded version 3 beta and tried an install into my version 2.9 folder.
Program crashed on trying to open up after install.
Can I assume that you have not yet updated the beta with the fixes ? :pray:

EDIT: I reinstalled version 2.9 and unlocked it. Installed version 3 beta over the top and it opens up correctly now... :phew:


dsan@mail.com wrote: Is anyone else able to drop generators to their tracks or able to select/move phrases along the timeline?
Hi dsan ,
i have no issue drag phrases to desired location,move them left right or up down so its working here.
just in case be sure you are in the Phrase editing mode...
because sounds like to me it seems you are in the Note Editing Mode?


Aahhh, thank you yellukhan. I did not notice but this is a distinct possibility and could mean my bug reports are fictitious.

I will need to look at this when I am able to get back to my computer.

Thank you again :tu:


UPDATE: Well now, this is embarrassing. :ud:

Having followed Yellukhan's advice, I checked my settings and sure enough, I was in Note Editing mode. Switching to Phrase Editing mode resolved the issues associated with the phrases I was having.

Attila, my sincere apologies for the wild goose chasing I may have caused you. I should have been more aware :oops:

I have updated the original post describing those bugs about phrases. The others still exist on my system.

Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.

@yellukhan - thanks again for being so attentive and recognizing my mistake. :tu: I really appreciate the feedback! ;)

Last edited by dsan@mail.com on Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My DAW System:
W7, i5, x64, 8Gb Ram, Edirol FA-101


Hi Attila,

one important question for me: will new idea tool be anyhow part of the finished 3.0 ? Would be very important for me, think I will wait for that because my imagined workflow will base on that tool as far as I suggest now.

Kind regards,



Hello Richard,

yes, definitely! v3 won't be released without the new idea tool. Actually that is the one that I am most excited about, I can't wait to start working on it.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


dsan@mail.com wrote:UPDATE: Well now, this is embarrassing. :ud:
Dear dsan,

if someone is embarrassed that is me... You actually found a bug that has not been discovered yet: dropping a phrase had strange results in note editing mode. It is fixed now.
I am uploading beta2 with most initial annoying bugs ironed out...

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


v3.0beta2 is available!

The following problems were fixed:
  • new color option for tracks: Chord/Scale/Absolute+Velocity
  • fixed: soundfont presets loaded twice (also from the v2 directory)
  • Ctrl-dragging of phrases is not allowed at the moment. It will be used to copy (and ghost copy) rhythm patterns directly from one phrase to others
  • fixed: drag and drop a phrase to the workspace in note editing mode did not work
  • fixed: master track crashes when resized
  • "Default V2" theme added for those who prefer the white background
  • fixed: running the beta without previous registered v2 version crashed
  • fixed: it is not possible to rename a track in the inspector
  • snap and grid menus are readable even when "16th Note Triplet" is selected
  • fixed: click+hold+drag for zoom crashes if any of the variation parameter envelope active
  • mouse wheel works over track list. Hold Ctrl or Alt to scroll slower.
  • controls work in the phrase editor
  • paths fixed in the VST plug-in, which should work now
There is an undocumented hidden feature (for yellukhan :) ): if you set "Phrase Selected Note" to 0 (all 3 sliders), maximum saturation is used to display selected chord/scale/bass notes.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


there is nothing to be ashamed of
:hug: <- (BlackWinny's famous hug)

@ Attila,
:D Thank you so much!

Ctrl-dragging of phrases is not allowed at the moment.
It will be used to copy (and ghost copy) rhythm patterns directly from one phrase to others

^^ excited about it :hyper:

mouse wheel works over track list. Hold Ctrl or Alt to scroll slower.

^^ speed exactly how i dreamed of :D

thank you so much for my hidden gift ...
i will prepare a little gif to send @ support
i just need to clear my mind how i explain clearly.

Warm Regards!


Hello Attila!
We look forward to the version for MAC!
I really suspect that the new version still will not be able to create multiple master tracks?


i was thinking this since a few days,
i think would really useful an option to keep/lock progression's current Rhythm while creating random progressions.




lulukom wrote:Hello Attila!
We look forward to the version for MAC!
I really suspect that the new version still will not be able to create multiple master tracks?
Hi lulukom!
soon I can start working on the Mac version. Making it work well under 10.11 will be a bigger task. Although 10.11 is not 'officially' supported yet.
Multiple master tracks are not included in this update. It will arrive soon after v3.0.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


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