VST development libraries.

DSP, Plugin and Host development discussion.


Attic wrote:Go talk to the Synthmaker company Outsim and see if you cant make their stuff run faster after compile.


First of all thanks for the good intentions webmasterpdx. Some folks here are being a little mean given that you just want to help.

I believe you have a misconception of what libraries a plugin dev uses. Most don't use any, and if they do, they do because they're very highly optimized.

Using myself as an example, I use JUCE for all GUI stuff, and Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) for most of the number crunching. It's unlikely you'd be able to improve on IPP's performance, and lightning fast UIs aren't important.

So while I (we?) appreciate your offer I don't think it's necessary.


webmasterpdx: good trollpostings. thx for making me smile (a little)


webmasterpdx wrote:such as switching from Floating point to integer arithmetic, and finding ways to combine multiple architectural steps into one using techniques like creative algorithm minimization using the psychoacoustic limitations of the human ear, lookup tables, and so forth.
i've done all this in ~2001. sorry.

see xhip - it hasn't changed since then. really. not a single thing has changed, it's basically identical.

the only real change has been the filter structure is slightly different.

the problem is these days int operations are actually no longer faster than float and pipe-lining is nearly pointless. on a pentium 2 or 3? sure.

not on an amd64 processor.
Free plug-ins for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Xhip Synthesizer v8.0 and Xhip Effects Bundle v6.7.
The coder's credo: We believe our work is neither clever nor difficult; it is done because we thought it would be easy.
Work less; get more done.


Shhhhh! You guys are going to scare him off and prevent him from saving us from our industry-wide incompetence!

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