Galactix update pleaseeee

Official support for:


whyterabbyt wrote:"eight, eight, I forget what eight was for..."

Free shag off Reg for anyone who recognises the quote...
Innit smth from Monthy Python and The Holy Grail?


Errr... eleven? twelve?... well, count on me anyway 8) . The only thing I really miss in GalactiX is a CPU use reduction.




I emailed alex the link to this thread.. hopefully he will see all the Galactix lovin going on! *squeezes galactix* :love:

hey Druu I get note hangs too with Galactix in Orion plat... it also crashes the host entirely If i try to use the builtin arp (in OP) and render with it.. :(

andyg: we arent bullying anyone.. I ASKED (note the please with extra e's for emphasis) no orders were given.. it was a request :)


I emailed alex the link to this thread..
hehehe, I sent him the link waaaaaaaaay before you did :P
I think Alex is busy with real-life stuff....
And IIRC he's still working on a bigger/badder/better project in his -minimal- spare time...

FYI: while writing the new synth-routines Alex found a few bugs in his note-stealing/allocating algorithm, thought u'd like to know... I'm not saying it'll be fixed, I'm just saying he knows about the bugs...


- bram


update for that little baby and also for synth 1 !!! Pretty pleeeeeaassssee!!! :cry:


I think GalactiX is one of my "Classic VSTis".

I use it all the time.


to whyterabbyt:

'10, 10, 10, 10 for everything everything everything everything'

Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. :D

I don't want the shag though. I would however like to see an update for galactix. great VSTi, that one.



Wau, thanks, great to see such a alive interest !
Yes, that's true the idea for an update is almost ready.
There is just a need for a spare time
for implementation. And I hope on September
I'll have real-life stuff fixed for quiet night programming :)
The main basic fixes are to be at least:
- proper midi handling
- additional analog mode
- cpu optimization
- who knows :)



CPU optimising and ADSR would be nice 8)


CPU optimising and ADSR would be nice 8)
thats a big one ...glad to hear your still gonna look into your great synth :D

I don't hate people with Macs, I hate people with Macs that are militant about it.


awesome alex! 8) 8) 8) 8)

but I hope you get an orion user in your beta testing....


If your plugin is a Synth-edit/synth-maker creation, Say So.
If not Make a Mac version of your Plugins Please.

...everyone is out to get me!!!!!!!


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


O yeah, Orion users will be considered this time.

Though I still haven't heard any trance tracks produced with
GalactiX use (excluding my and my brother's ones).
Any links with Galactic/x good sounding ?



I used to use it in the early days, but i stopped because of the CPU prob. I can prob dig out an old track with it on.

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