Congratulations Antti!

Official support for:


Foorius also has Antii designed filters in it - if only there was an fx version.

btw I have the software (DSP powered) version this is ported from. I presume in this case that the filters are not so much designed by Antii as ported by Antii from John Bowen's designs for the Scope platform to native DSP code (which are themselves emulations of various classic filters such as CEM etc). I can't wait for the hardware version. My Scope system has a paltry 9 DSPs and Solaris plays with 4-8 voices max - some complex patches even less (though the sound is so thick and lush it barely matters). This thing will have the equivalent power of 48 DSP's from what I've read on Section Z (Scope forum) as well as overall faster memory etc.

Solaris was designed to be the ultimate synth in many respects - it combines all the classic VA synthesis methods and filter types plus fm, wavetable (based on Waldorf oscs), vector synthesis (Bowen was one of the design team for the Prophet VS as well as the original Prophet 5 and also worked on the wavestation) and has a semi modular design so other filter and osc types can be added including some weird types John made for his "Red Dwarf" range like Spectral oscs etc (I can even insert Flexor oscs and filters as John being a cool guy made me a bunch of custom wrapped versions of them for use in Solaris). The hardware version should be nothing short of amazing.
Last edited by aMUSEd on Tue May 08, 2007 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.


sweet_trip wrote:Antti, congrats!!!

Now, if you please, oh pleeease, add velocity>filter to Asynth I promise to buy two if this new synth you're working on... :D
just for the record, for those who don't know:

one of the most underrated synths ever has got filters by Antti...

edit: I just realized that Amused beat me to it... :-D
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


If you're intereted in hearing a bit more about Solaris, Sonic State has an hour long interview with John Bowen up:


And pity about the under-rated-ness of Foorius, such a cool synth.


Congrats and nice to know since I've dedicated this day to Foorius totally at random this morning.


jens wrote:
sweet_trip wrote:Antti, congrats!!!

Now, if you please, oh pleeease, add velocity>filter to Asynth I promise to buy two if this new synth you're working on... :D
just for the record, for those who don't know:

one of the most underrated synths ever has got filters by Antti...

edit: I just realized that Amused beat me to it... :-D
you're right, but Foorius just doesn't sound the same as Asynth.


jupiter8 wrote:
xiphiuz wrote:btw2: I now see that the filter algoritms have the same names as the asynth names....
but why no antti or name? or is that his alias?
They bought the code from Antti so i don't think they have to credit him if they don't want to. But i don't think it's a big secret or anything. I've seen it mentioned plenty of times.
Sorry for my late reply on this. Just want to let you know I don't really understand this discussion. The Frantic filter (at least the demo that's in my vst folder now) itself is very clear about antti's work. It says : 'Frantic credits ....filter algorithms: A. Huovilainen'. Download the demo, install it in your vst folder, open it in your host, and click on 'midi learn'. Conclusion: YES antti wrote the dsp part of the code, and YES he got full credits for that.

Regards, Theun

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