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yes , its great, was gonna ask for a browser, or wait till vst allow drag and drop files to them, but i see we can load many files at once, so no problem!!!!


uh.. never got the twist that ioplong = Andreas_FX, though i knew your name after donating and saw the "news" on the ioplong smex site back then ;)

nice to see that more smex guys are still around besides antti and mdsp :)


Andreas_FX wrote:Hiya,
Its not quite as bad as Al Magnifico said. I've *not* lost all the code, only what i was working on the 2 or so weeks before the burglary.. so there is hope. I just wasnt very motivated to redo the stuff back then (that was 12.2004/01.2005, btw...looong time ago).
Also, the code is not exactly fun to work on (i should have read a few more pages in that c++ book before writing the thing)...
I do have worked on Slifty since then, but got stuck with some things...I really cant promise if ill ever solve them. But, maybe... :)

I thought this thread was dead, and poor Slifty completely forgotten :-D

Thanks for the reply, donated now. Slifty is just a very quick way to do beats that require a lot of work if done piano roll, even with eXT.




i recently rediscovered slifty for me, but there are three things that might make this great plug even better ;)
1. cool would be an option to sync the innerloopmove to the host tempo just like it can be done for the innerloopsize
2. a bugfix for the div slider on the "p-sequencer (PS)" which goes up to 33 instead of 32 ;)
3. a fix for some of the sliders which don't bind the mouse exclusively.. that sometimes results in the change of other values accidently (e.g. in the trigger seq)

well, andreas, if you find some time to address those things, i'd love to donate again for slifty (yes, i wrote again ;)).



just a shout for revamping this thread
i still have to get deeper inside those goodies but hell if they are creative...
nice work, really
any update or new concepts vstis in progress lately by any chance, by the way?
Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist


re-bump ---Slifty rocks :grin:
Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist


I had liked this from the start and donated right in the first weeks, used it for strange experimental stuff with some own fieldrecordings, and after I had some crashes with old EnergyXt at that time (seems to be looong time no problem as .jon uses it in XT without a problem) I just rediscovered it today :D .


Anybody who dreams up names for a plug in that include FlitchSplifter, liftSquifter or liftBlifty deserves to go far in the world of audio dsp if you ask me ! :wink:
Can you update them all as well as Slifty, and relofter and ribonk and bloopi....please please please ???
Not that I have any problems using them in C4, just some of them do crash Wavelab, don't know if its a midi input thing with vst's in Wavelab, but I'd love to be able to use them in Wavelab, as thats where I do a lot of my mangling of sound prior to integrating it into a progect in C4
I don't have anything against gravity but it really does weigh me down


Can you update them all as well as Slifty, and relofter and ribonk and bloopi....please please please ???
+1 here :D

even only one product updated could mean theres still progress on these things :)
Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist


Would love to see an updated version of Relofter :love:
It's an awesome plug, but doesn't remember it's buffer/wave file settings, at least not in Audiomulch :(


Would be nice if Slifty were ported to Mac OS X. :wink:
I Music.


I just got into Slifty, donating for it now.

It's from 2004! Wow, there's really nothing quite as useful on the freebie market.
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