FXpansion Spam email ?spam? Turbo

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Finally! I also got a second reminder - now I really NEED to get Dub Turbo before their offer runs out or so.
And well, it's all coming along with a nice discount. So, why hesitate?
I certainly won't!

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


I must admit the terms of their affiliate program are very enticing: $129 from every sale for the affiliate, on a $39 product. Bernie Madoff himself couldn't have designed a more fool-proof scheme.
SKoT McDonald
BFD | inMusic


DON'T miss out on Dub Turbo! Been makin' phat-azz beatz all day long and guess what? I'm f***ing SIGNED!
That'd never ever happened without the help of Dub Turbo!

So, be straight - get Dub Turbo. It's teh shizzniz. There's nothing else! Had I knew about it before, I'd gladly pay a 5-digit amount of bucks. Yes, it's THAT great!
I'm even almost about to change my signature to something along the lines of "Dub Turbo - there's nothing like it!"
Because that's the TRUTH!

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Sascha Franck wrote:Dudes!
DON'T miss out on Dub Turbo! Been makin' phat-azz beatz all day long and guess what? I'm f***ing SIGNED!
That'd never ever happened without the help of Dub Turbo!

So, be straight - get Dub Turbo. It's teh shizzniz. There's nothing else! Had I knew about it before, I'd gladly pay a 5-digit amount of bucks. Yes, it's THAT great!
I'm even almost about to change my signature to something along the lines of "Dub Turbo - there's nothing like it!"
Because that's the TRUTH!

- Sascha
Has this users account been hacked?
Massive, Serum. Diva, Repro-1, HIVE, Spire presets, Reason ReFills more! https://NewLoops.com


Sascha Franck wrote:Dudes!
DON'T miss out on Dub Turbo! Been makin' phat-azz beatz all day long and guess what? I'm f***ing SIGNED!
That'd never ever happened without the help of Dub Turbo!

So, be straight - get Dub Turbo. It's teh shizzniz. There's nothing else! Had I knew about it before, I'd gladly pay a 5-digit amount of bucks. Yes, it's THAT great!
I'm even almost about to change my signature to something along the lines of "Dub Turbo - there's nothing like it!"
Because that's the TRUTH!

- Sascha
Nurse - get the restraints! Quickly now, he's wriggling... :-o


I actually found the creator of DubTurbo on an affiliate marketing forum a little while back (curiosity following one of the regular DubTurbo lolfests we have at KVR). Seems to be an incredibly popular product among affiliate marketers (not among musicians, of course).

I posted some cats in the lolthread going at the mo, but yeah, doesn't feel quite so funny any more now the affiliates are up to this shit.


faun2500 wrote: Has this users account been hacked?
Why would you say that?
Really, these days it's all about Dub Turbo!

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.



Due to recent unfortunate events - we have decided to suspend the dubturbo affiliate program effective immediately until we have a more transparent system in place where each affiliate is profiled and held accountable for any illegal activity to us or any third party or brand harmed during your promotions. You are still accountable now, however getting your info takes a longer legal process than if we have you on file, profiled, and can reach out to you directly.
Clearly they realise what a mess they have got themselves into

56,000 affiliates!? Probably many more than actual users. Crazy. How does this work economically? Do they make more money out of clicks than sales?


Add me to the list.

Got the first one on the 28th when it all started.
Had the second one this morning.

Checked my secondary email yesterday and there was one in the spam folder there too. But I had used that account years and years ago to register with fxpansion before moving to my main mail.

Never bought anything from audiomidi, bought Tremor from JRR.

I'm also a member of the FXpansion forum and registered there too.

The fact that I got one in a mail from years ago that I no longer use or haven't used for ages, shows that they must have got this from an internal database at FXpansion which they have broken into. The fact that some people who are registered with FXpansion and haven't gotten the spam, I wouldn't read too much into. I guess even spam has it's deficiencies or maybe there is another reason, possibly to throw off the scent...

Unless every body here can find a common set of a database that all our email addresses are on, then I don't think it is too presumptuous to assume that there has been a major security breach at FXpansion. Who else would have all that common data about us? Going back years and multiple email addresses. FXpansion is the common denominator as I see it.

Really, who else would hold all the email addresses of people who have bought stuff from FXpansion? If people in this thread were saying I got the spam and I bought from XYZ SHOP and they were the only people getting it and no one else, then it would be fair to say that that shop had either had their database hacked or they sold the mailing list.

So far, I see only FXpansion as the common set, and they wouldn't sell their mailing list of their customers in a million years.

Anyway, what does it matter. Damage done now.

If someone from FXpansion is reading this, are you saying that your database has NOT been hacked into? If so, how would you know whether it was or not? Or are you still trying to figure out three days later whether you have had a serious security breach or not?

I would imagine that it is quite likely anyone that got as far as slurping our emails has probably slurped out passwords, home addresses, telephone no.
But not banking information. Now that really would be presumptuous to assume that they had NOT. I doubt that they will do anything with them though - too much of a shit storm if they did. But they may wait until things die down and sell it to another unscrupulous party. People like us are gold. We are addicts and like all good addicts once we're hooked in, we just keep coming back for more.

If someone from FXpansion or anyone else can offer an alternative explanation other than the fact that there has been a serious security breach at FXpansion HQ, I'm all ears...


We haven't found anything yet, and we've had the entire web team on log-scanning duty for a few days now. We'll continue for a while longer, until we run out of things to check, at that point I don't know what else we can do. In parallel we're chasing down the physical whereabouts of the spammer / identity thief.

Naturally we'll be reviewing every stage of our operations for holes; sadly this is a continually moving target. Do we add more frequent security reviews? How often? Will there be time for coding music software at some point still? (I've lost 3 days of BFD coding time this week to playing Cyber Sherlock Holmes).

I can categorically rule out financial stuff tho - as I've stated on several threads, that stuff is entirely handled by the banks.
SKoT McDonald
BFD | inMusic


Break out the tiny violins:
DT guy acting all innocent and hurt wrote: ... I'm one lawsuit threat away from starting to sue affiliates myself for their shenanigans on my brand...right now my world is crumbling here and I can't even talk about it.
I am crying inside. Really. No really. Oh OK, I'm laughing my head off. I shall be breaking out the popcorn for the nichehoppers forum later when these guys realise that supposedly juicy commission's been knocked down to 1% of sod all.

These guys clearly aren't as idiotic as they make out here. Everything about this campaign suggests they knew what effect running this kind of affiliate campaign would have, although I suspect they didn't realise that someone as dumb as 'realany' would try a stunt like this. (The black-hat spammers try very hard to hide what they're doing. This guy painted a big red target on his back.) Yet, even now you can see them scheming to keep the plates spinning and hope they can keep stringing those affiliates along long enough to for them to make it to Rio.


FWIW I can't see this spammer being any kind of l33t haxx0r. If it's a stolen list, it probably came from someone else.


SKoT_FX wrote:We haven't found anything yet, and we've had the entire web team on log-scanning duty for a few days now. We'll continue for a while longer, until we run out of things to check, at that point I don't know what else we can do. In parallel we're chasing down the physical whereabouts of the spammer / identity thief.

Naturally we'll be reviewing every stage of our operations for holes; sadly this is a continually moving target. Do we add more frequent security reviews? How often? Will there be time for coding music software at some point still? (I've lost 3 days of BFD coding time this week to playing Cyber Sherlock Holmes).

I can categorically rule out financial stuff tho - as I've stated on several threads, that stuff is entirely handled by the banks.
Free Geist expanders for all! :hyper:

:P :ud:


I think the FXpansion servers are not broken. Since I received mail for an old address, and didn't receive the spam to my new address registered 3 weeks before.

So if the spammer had access to FXpansion mailing, he doesn't have access RIGHT NOW. So it looks more like there was a copy of data at some point that leaked to outside IMHO. But I am no expert :)


VitaminD wrote:
SKoT_FX wrote:We haven't found anything yet, and we've had the entire web team on log-scanning duty for a few days now. We'll continue for a while longer, until we run out of things to check, at that point I don't know what else we can do. In parallel we're chasing down the physical whereabouts of the spammer / identity thief.

Naturally we'll be reviewing every stage of our operations for holes; sadly this is a continually moving target. Do we add more frequent security reviews? How often? Will there be time for coding music software at some point still? (I've lost 3 days of BFD coding time this week to playing Cyber Sherlock Holmes).

I can categorically rule out financial stuff tho - as I've stated on several threads, that stuff is entirely handled by the banks.
Free Geist expanders for all! :hyper:
You will get Dub Turbo for free... :lol:

(No, just a joke, I don't have anything to do with Dub Turbo...)

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