Ableton Live 11 dual monitor problem using plug ins

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I have a slight problem whilst keeping all plug-ins open on my second monitor in live 11

this is when open my main template that keeps all plug-ins open on my second monitor ,I have to drag each plug in window to my second monitor every time I open my main template which is a slight PITA

I have checked and unchecked all these below

Multipul plug in windows
Auto - hide plug in windows
Auto -hide plug in windows

yet it won't save a preferred way of keeping every plug-in open when I open my main template

any help would be appreciated -thankyou
live 11 / Arturia collection / many Softube plug ins / thats it


Many software do not recognize the second monitor to keep memory of the pop up windows positions.
The software will behave strange or crash, if the memory is there and if you turn off or unplug the second monitor? Crash?
I think that behavior is correct.

Be happy if Live can function with the second monitor. Some DAW crash unpredictably with a second monitor.


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