Midi keyboards with polyphonic aftertouch?

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himalaya wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:09 amAny chance of finding what you desire are almost nil if you take into account that the main key-bed manufacturer, Fatar, does not have a single design with poly-aftertouch. Remember, we live in the button-pushing era, not a keyboard-expression era, so there is little commercial push to make such designs available, even at a higher price point.
Fun fact, the Ensoniq range of poly-AT keybeds (all their top of the line boards from the VFX/EPS up to the ASR-10/TS-10) are all Fatar TP8S keybeds. That keybed was used in a variety of other boards, some of which have poly-AT (like the Gem S2/S3 and Waldorf Quantum mkii), some of which don't (like the Roland A-70, Moog One, and original Waldorf Quantum).

A poly-AT keyboard can be made out of just about any keybed that supports regular old AT.


How are these poly-aft if the official Fatar specification states that the TP8S keybed only supports monophonic aftertouch?

VSTi and hardware synth sound design
3D/5D sound design since 2012


The old Roland APro series has it and can be found prety cheap these days. I have the APro300 which is a great keyboard, unfortunately designed specifically for Sonar, so to support everything on it you need to use Sonar or band(whatever) its called these days. Pretty sure anyway.


himalaya wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:17 pm How are these poly-aft if the official Fatar specification states that the TP8S keybed only supports monophonic aftertouch?

You'd have to ask those manufacturers. They're custom designed implementations as far as I know.

Edit: and it's worth noting, that website says the TP8S supports monophonic aftertouch. It does not say that the TP8s 'only' supports monophonic aftertouch. My guess is Fatar offers a monoAT add-on and don't offer a polyAT add-on.


The Waldorf Quantum mk2 and the Waldorf Iridium Keyboard both have poly AT and the keybed is made by FATAR. JPer Waldforf's website, it's the FATAR TP/8SK keybed. The description on Fatar's website states "monophonic aftertouch", either that's an error or the version with poly AT is a bespoke keybed specifically made for Waldorf. Either way, FATAR have developed the technology to produce poly AT keybeds. This makes me think there is a very good chance other manufacturers will jump on the bandwagon soon because, if developing a keybed with poly AT had no hopes of being profitable, FATAR would not have gone out of their way to develop it, and yet they did. There is a good chance Native Instruments will use this keybed in the next version of their Komplete Kontrol series controllers. That alone would be a good reason for most existing Komplete Kontrol owners to want to upgrade.

Personally, I'm really hoping poly AT goes mainstream. Once you've played a keyboard with properly implemented poly AT there is no going back. The extra "dimension" is a ton of fun and many soft synths already support this out of the box so it's latent functionality waiting to be explored and harnessed.


NI have jumped on it with their soon to be released Mk3 keyboards


rACatkvr wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:33 pm NI have jumped on it with their soon to be released Mk3 keyboards
Do you have a source for that? That's sick :tu:

Edit: OK found it.

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