Configuring Linnstrument MPE device for Evolution Rock Standard

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I'm a newbie to the MPE world, and I need some help. I have a Linnstrument (an MPE controller), and I have Evolution Rock Standard, which I love, but which is not behaving the way I want on the Linnstrument. I want to pitch bend by sliding from key to key. I want to have z-axis pressure (known in the Linnstrument manual as "channel pressure," and which appears to be different from both mono aftertouch and poly aftertouch), and I want to play with tone options (amount of distortion, tremolo, etc) with the y axis slide.
I understand I need to set up multiple instances, assigned to different midi channels, to achieve mpe polyphony. But first, I want to get one voice responding properly to the various dimensions of touch.
How do I go about this?
I'm running Studio One 6 on Windows 11, with a Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL. All drivers are up to date.


I meant to say I want pressure to control volume.
The Linnstrument is configured in MPE mode, and works great with Pulse XT, Vital, etc.


OK, new problem. When I load Evolution Rock Standard (with mpe disabled), both my standard midi keyboard (Komplete Kontrol) and my Linnstrument can play notes. I enable mpe in the instrument rack, and suddenly, neither controller works! Press notes, no sound. Disable mpe, both controllers come back.
What am I doing wrong?


This may not address your problem, but be aware that Studio One doesn't properly handle MPE. You can Google all sorts of problems people have with Studio One and MPE. Presonus needs to get this fixed.

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