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I don't know about boobs but in 2 there was a series of moves you could do that would make her explode. I played it thru but wanted more for my money so I got stupid with it. Go in to levels & get every baddie to chase her
then set her on fire as she swan dived on to some rocks. Stuff like that
Don't feed the gators,y'all


Anyway, I'd rather see topics simply being locked and/or a "[mod edit: we don't say such things]" applied.

My assumption is that the mods rather not have us look at train wrecks, but people need to see some of the carnage in order to get a picture of what went wrong. Now it's just taken out of existence, as if it never really happened. That is a surreal experience.

Same with members getting banned btw. All hints about the reason behind it gets hidden away immediately. So it's impossible for us to form an opinion about it (which might actually be the whole idea behind it.)

But it feels to me like the community is treated like kettle.
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


BertKoor wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:28 am Anyway, I'd rather see topics simply being locked and/or a "[mod edit: we don't say such things]" applied.

My assumption is that the mods rather not have us look at train wrecks, but people need to see some of the carnage in order to get a picture of what went wrong. Now it's just taken out of existence, as if it never really happened. That is a surreal experience.

Same with members getting banned btw. All hints about the reason behind it gets hidden away immediately. So it's impossible for us to form an opinion about it (which might actually be the whole idea behind it.)

But it feels to me like the community is treated like kettle.
but that's not correct...I made plenty of suggestions and in the last 4 days these...on the 7th I warned IBD thinking most people would get the D as delete

On the 6th (and mind you this is just the last four days) I posted this but it was small after a post trying to hint
forgive me, I am trying to divert this so it doesnt get out of hand. When we have what one could call an attractive nuisance member (no offense RM, just your argument is on the less than popular side than the flow here, kinda making you a target), Ijust want to remind people it wont last if it gets to too many attacks, please and thank you
and then on the 9th when a member once again tried to call out the attractive nuisance
may I ask, do we need to call in more of the same? Does this need to keep going? I ama vet, I have PTSD and I am here to tell you that he has no standing to judge 2015 I made it clear that I could not respect him (or HRC) as the Commander in Chief, that hasnt changed one bit. IMO he had no standing to place said judgement on anyone who is or has served honorably in our military, I know I am not alone as vet with these feelings and that's enough for me.

We dont need more of a shitstorm going over things that have been beaten to death, there is plenty else to talk about. please dont be calling out members...not saying you cant but just saying if it's just more perseverating on what a terrible president he was, well I dont know about everyone else but I am getting quite sick of him, his name and frankly bitching about him and besides I am quite sure this is exactly the kind of attention he is looking for and I refuse to give it to him
On the 10th one member who goes after him everytime he posts once again ignored my warnings and soon it was starting up again.

That thread was a trainwreck long before that, I was more than patient, I tried to keep it on track and still I did the wrong thing :lol:

You may not notice this, I use to explain a lot you know why I stopped....the nonstiop constant attacks when I one deserves to put up with that abuse from the same mebers all the time (pure gaslighting)

I am not going to hold anyone's hands anymore, why should one every appreciates it in any way shape or form the time the mods and Ben put in here...but delete something and we get this. You know how many outside attacks also get deleted in a day without us feeling the need to make an announcement.
This forum is for discussing Off Topic subjects that are too hot to handle in the relatively civilised world of Off Topic, i.e. they will cause controversy and result in heated arguments/flames, namely Politics, Religion, Race, our ancestors history, etc.

We would rather you didn't discuss such issues here as there are plenty of other places on the Net that provide outlets for such discussions, but, nice people that we are, we give you this little corner of KVR to talk bollocks in.

Please bear in mind that this does not give you free reign to post whatever offensive, bigoted nonsense you want, it will still be moderated and if any moderator feels that anyone is particularly out of line posts/threads will be deleted and people will be warned/banned. This will be judged on a thread by thread basis, and will depend on the mood of the moderator -- some days you just think ENOUGH OF THIS BOLLOCKS and hit delete... this is one of the risks you will have to live with if you post in HPC :hihi:

As this forum (HPC) adds no value to KVR's reason for being, the threads will be pruned regularly --- any posts older than 7 days will be toast.

... You could always talk about whatever is on your mind here instead ...
Rules written by could one have not expected that thread to go away, I did exactly what should have been done...I tried to keep it on track and I was extremely patient with it...sorry my friend, this time you were mistaken and I surely left a lot of carnage for a long time there. Surely there was no need for an explanation.

Now I am locking this because frankly I dont want to deal with my trolls who will come in with their hate...tbh this thread should not have been started to begin with but that's ok...I am sorry you do not appreciate what I did.
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


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