Harmonization video tutorial (was: My videos for RapidComposer)



The melody editor will be part of RC v4.0...

However I am building that as a separate product, and will release it early May as an inexpensive plug-in so that people without RapidComposer can enjoy designing melodies!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Here comes my latest RapidComposer tutorial screencast:
RapidComposer - Bridging gaps with Phrase Morphing

This video shows RapidComposer doing its magic by closing the gaps in your composition.


Great video, HiEnergy! :tu:
During all these years I never received any feedback whether phrase morphing is useful, or if anyone used it with success. I found the idea interesting anyway.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thanks for your appreciation, Attila.
In my opinion the Phrase Morpher is a great feature for quickly filling gaps.
I think it's better suited for small gaps like shown in the second half of the video. Larger gaps and less suitable material can lead to "clumsy" results.
In my video I just grabbed random piano phrases and had the Phrase Morpher do its thing. It did quite good for my taste.


Cool Video HiEnergy, but, you never showed off the magic wand stuff.. Has a few nifty options there for the morpher..


Thanks for your appreciation, BluGenes.
BluGenes wrote: Sat May 16, 2020 8:01 pmyou never showed off the magic wand stuff
This is a valid point, the video was just intended as a quick heads-up for the Morph function though. I could hardly explain all the bells and whistles of the Phrase Morpher in 5 minutes. I found its parameter page but have yet to work out how the parameters work before being able to explain them.
I'm thinking about creating a more thorough video (similar to those I did on rhythms, details of harmonization and accompaniment voices) at a later point in time.


I say go for it!

I did find a bug in the phrase morph, though. Once you place it down, it doesn't want to regenerate, even if you change the settings in the magic wand. What you have to do is regenerate the first phrase (or change the phrase), then the morph phrase will re-generate.


In my latest RapidComposer video I show how to create a house style bassline using a Bass Phrase Generator.
Watch the video here:

RapidComposer - Creating a House Bassline

Note to Attila: I tripped a bug. When set to using 7th notes, the bass generator uses dominant 7ths, even when the sounding chord is maj7. This is just wrong. Bass notes should never fall out of the sounding chord. Unfortunately I discovered this after recording the raw footage, otherwise I would have re-recorded. Please fix this bug, Attila.


Thank you, HiEnergy!
I have fixed this embarrassing bug, thanks for reporting it!
I'll shortly upload a new RC beta version.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Hi Attila,
Will we be able to open more than one instance of RC with the new beta update ,really want to use it with Ableton like i could with the older version. also would it be possible to add rhythm mapper as part of the idea tool so I can use it with midi phrases. rhythm mapper is a great feature but I really feel it would be beneficial to have it inside idea tool.


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