Little, battery powered midi keyboard

Anything about hardware musical instruments.


Hi, I am looking for a small (max 25 keys) midi keyboard that can be battery powered. Something with at least all the standard features: pitch bend, mod wheel, after touch, midi out (standard or via USB)... Can you point me to some models?
Cerca almeno di essere l'uomo che il tuo cane immagina tu sia.


I was looking for something similar recently and nearest I found was the behringer u-control but that doesn't have aftertouch. Think you could be out of luck with that feature.


I found that the Edirol Pcr M1 can be also battery powered... Any other?
Cerca almeno di essere l'uomo che il tuo cane immagina tu sia.


I know Korg has some small keyboards (micro control series), really small as well. They are only USB powered though, not battery..

They're really cheap!


Synthstation can be battery powered as I understand.

It is tailor made for iPhone/iPad, but can also be used as a regular USB midi controller.

I was just inspecting a packaged version, as my local music store is selling them for just €50 at the moment


Bumpin' this a little!

Any new cool stuff since 2008? :party: :phones:



Novation X-Station 25
Kaossilatron - Voicillator
Station: Ableton Live 10 Suite, Obscurium, Push 2, Ultranova, MS-20m, Wavedrums


Why would it have to be battery powered? If it has USB then it can be powered from the USB port.


robojam wrote:Why would it have to be battery powered? If it has USB then it can be powered from the USB port.
Mainly for portable use with Korg's upcoming electribe 2 :)

Qunexus isn't battery powered, is it? Or am i missing something? :help:

QuNexus is bus-powered via the USB port when connected to a computer or tablet. When using QuNexus without a computer, power can be supplied with a USB power supply or a KMI MIDI Expander.


Oh, I thought it could be driven with batteries, seems I confused it with another one :)
I am not so sure there are any good ones that run on batteries. Although keyboards don't use a lot of power, batteries would not last long.


+1 For Novation X-Station! We use one for busking in the streets with a Roland Cube Street amp.
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


these were in discount stores in the uk recently, i got 2 for around £7 *each*


(rock band 3 Keytar)
not exactly the greatest quality, but decent enough for battery powered/midi port dabbling. Couldnt say no at that price!
i realise it'll be a lottery finding them now though..

mod wheel: yes, well, as a touch strip
pitch bend: yes, but you have to hold a button while using the touch strip which is hard.
after touch: nope
midi out: standard DIN


cool 7quid MIDI keytar!


Sub-$100 simplified QuNexus just announced.
my other modular synth is a bugbrand

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