Linnstrument with MPC Ren?

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Hi. The Linnstrument looks amazing! I will be purchasing it for the vast opportunities of keyboard expression. But since I've always wanted an MPC with a ton of pads i can play with simultaneously, I have to explore this topic...

The main thing I would be interested in would be the ability to have full access to all of my pad banks on the MPC Ren at the same time. Like having banks A-H all lined up across the Linnstrument's grid so you can jam on them all simultaneously without having to toggle between pad banks. Maybe I'm just dreaming but this would be killer! Would encourage incredible workflow for us sample choppers! Any thoughts?


You can have 200 samples available, but you would need 200 fingers to play them simultaneously ;). Since there are only 128 notes per channel, you could use split mode, assign 12x8 samples to the left split and 13x8 samples to the right split. You would set the row offset so that there was no overlap between rows. Then you would have 200 velocity and pressure sensitive 19mm square pads, each with its own sample.


Thanks. I'll have to try that once I get one. Seems to me like it's been a long time coming for an MPC-like interface where you can have access to more than 16 pads at a time (I know there's Push, but I don't use ableton). It would be the ultimate to have a large grid of multiple pad banks, with each bank of 16 being represented by a different color.


funkycoldmedina wrote:Thanks. I'll have to try that once I get one. Seems to me like it's been a long time coming for an MPC-like interface where you can have access to more than 16 pads at a time (I know there's Push, but I don't use ableton). It would be the ultimate to have a large grid of multiple pad banks, with each bank of 16 being represented by a different color.
You would have to do some of your own programming to make each pad bank a different color. Would it work to stretch out your banks into rows. Linnstrument has 8 rows to match A-H. Each row has 25 pads, so 16 each would fit. You would still have room for 8 controllers implemented in a right split.


Thanks for the reply. Sounds like an idea worth trying.

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