Multitrack VSTi Host

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Is there a multitrack that can record the output of my VSTi's? Right now I'm using Chainer and recording every track individually and exporting it to Cool Edit Pro 2.0 (haven't upgraded to Audition yet). It's a tough process and takes up a lot of time.


Fruity loops 149 dollars (and you can use ce as a tool and wave editor in FL) but upgrade to Audition 1.5...quite worth it.
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


Branst wrote:Is there a multitrack that can record the output of my VSTi's? Right now I'm using Chainer and recording every track individually and exporting it to Cool Edit Pro 2.0 (haven't upgraded to Audition yet). It's a tough process and takes up a lot of time.
What Hink said :)

In Fruity, you can choose to save all your output as a single wav file or mp3 file, or it will split all the instruments into separate wav files per instrument that you can then edit in CE Pro/Audition.



I did some research on Fruity Loops but I get the impression that you can not record live input (such as a guitar or vocal track). Otherwise, Fruity Loops seems to do it all. Is there any other program like Fruity Loops but can record live input from my soundcard as well?


Branst wrote:I did some research on Fruity Loops but I get the impression that you can not record live input (such as a guitar or vocal track). Otherwise, Fruity Loops seems to do it all. Is there any other program like Fruity Loops but can record live input from my soundcard as well?
Well, the audio recording is sort of non-intuitive in Fruity but yes, you can record live audio. Having said that however, the audio cannot be looped - it will simply start from the beginning of the audio track again - which is why I mix all my Fruity tracks down and then pull them into Sonar as audio (which also allows me to add additional midi tracks & Fx). Then I use Sonar to add my live audio loops/tracks and mix to a master from there. Some people also do this in CE Pro/Audition or even Calkwalk Guitar Tracks Pro or Traction/Orion/Cubase ad infinitum...


You might also wanna check out EnergyXT...

If you have more than 1 input on your soundcard, you can route them to individual sequencer tracks, and record all your inputs to seperate tracks in a single pass.(I've only tested upto 20 channels).


After you have your track laid down you can do in-track multichannel editing, chopit, rearrange it...etc Each section of the part can have it's own envelope and "dynamic" events(pan, vol, pitch fine/course) ...this type of features make comping guitar and especially vocal parts quick and easy.

Ofcourse the sequencer supports VST instruments and FX very well... You'll find many different ways to render your instruments to wav. You can export your arrangement from the can "Freeze" your instrument, which will render only it's output as a wav. You can even route your seperate instruments into seperate tracks of another sequencer component and record all of them to wavs at the same time(depending if your system can handle it).

Oh handles loop recording, and recording from multiple midi devices at the same time. And a ton of other features make it perfect for live performance.
...and the best part is it's only $40



Two words: Podium!

Okay, that's one word, but I would like you to say it twice to yourself. Once very softly, and then again, but this time with FEELING! Make me believe it...

And then go here, with credit card in hand:

You can record as many as you want.

-Just to make sure, I opened up a song I did in Podium, and SIMULTANEOUSLY recorded the audio of every VSTi track all to seperate audio tracks. It took all of 15 seconds to prepare, and then just hit record and play! Amazing. 5 audio tracks of seperate VST instruments.
OK, am I overly excited? maybe... I haven't ever found a host/sequencer that did this that I actually enjoy using! :)
resistors are futile you will be simulated


Cubase SE is very capable version of Cubase SX 1, and is only $99. It'll do exactly what you want.

Simple music philosophy - Those who can, make music. Those who can't, make excuses.
Read my VST reviews at Traxmusic!


Both EnergyXT and Podium sound great. I was gonna spend some money to upgrade to Adobe Audition 1.5 but I think one of those two would help me out the most.

One thing, is it hard to learn either of those two? From screenshots, EnergyXT looks the hardest.


The guy above me was right too, Energy XT which I own is very good, and does all that stuff.
Podium can do that envelope stuff, and chop it up, and normalize and rearange and things too, by the way, but eXT is less money and modular. Different beasts I guess. I would like to own them both. My Podium beta expires june 1st i think... :(
resistors are futile you will be simulated


I run Energy XT as a VSTi in FL Studio. I get the best of both worlds. I actually highly recommend using Energy XT as an add on to FL. ( especially for the Energy XT envelops, chords module, arp module, plugin preset randomizer, and loop recording ).
Play it by ear



resistors are futile you will be simulated


Im not an expert but i think you can do it with cool edit too(I have Audition and im doing it)

I use chainer too(for guitar plaing)and while i play im recording it with Adobe audition.(The processed sound)

I have SB Live and I installed KX Drivers so my latency is about 2,5ms.
vrijeme ocaja vrijeme nade


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