Help! Zen is being VERY bad!

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For awhile now I was having a problem with Zen standalone where it would completely and instantly freeze my computer when I tried to launch it, forcing me to reset my computer. I could still use the VST fine in FL Studio though. But all of a sudden it started crashing FL Studio when I tried to load the VST. My only thought was that something in the database or settings got corrupted. I also saw there was a new version of Zen available, so I downloaded it and did an update install. That did not solve the computer freezing or FLS crashing. So then I backed up my db and did a clean install. That worked. But of course I want my old database back. I tried swapping in the backup but it didn't like that. No crashing or freezing, it just gave an error and wouldn't run. I figured the fresh install might have cleaned up some settings but the old database needed to be upgraded or something. So I did another update install on top of the fresh install, with my old database in place. Suddenly the standalone worked! I loaded some old presets and tested it out, then shut it down and tried loading it in FL Studio. It loaded the GUI. I can't remember if it gave an error at first though -- sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I can see that it is my old database but clicking on presets either does nothing, or currently it keeps asking over and over for the plugin location. Meanwhile the gear at the bottom is blinking, but clicking on that crashes FL Studio. :( Also, I tried running the standalone again and my computer froze again! :shock: :x :cry:

What the heck is wrong? I can supply the db and the log file if you want. I can't see a way to attach files to this post though.


Hmmm, sure, upload your db somewhere and email me the link at


Thanks for the quick response. Actually I figured out at least part of the problem. When I did the upgrade to 1.7.0 it put the x86 version into Program Files (x86)/VstPlugins, but FL Studio just looks at Program Files/VstPlugins for all VSTs. I guess I should have noticed that when it was asking where I want to install each version. Well I had an old 1.6.0 version in there so I guess there was a version mismatch between the database or other config files and the dll. Once I fixed that it works in FL Studio!:D

But that doesn't really explain why it started crashing FLS in the first place. And I am still afraid to test the standalone version, but I guess for science I will give it a try. I will let you know the result and email you the db and log.


The crashes might be due to FLS trying to load a 64bits plugin as 32bits, or the other way around.


That may explain some of the crashes, but not the initial ones I suddenly started getting, where I couldn't properly load projects I had just been working on.

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