Imini virtual midi issue, version 1.1

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Let me start by saying thank you for the update. I encoutntered a virtual midi issue still, however. I just tried soundprism pro controlling imini and after switching back and forth between the two apps for the second time, imini has stuck notes still. Switching back to imini stops the stuck notes, but they begin immediately again when switching back to soundprism pro. Killing soundprism pro stops it, but then it comes back. I have not observed this problem yet with any other synth when used with soundprism pro, although I'm new to that app as of a few weeks ago.

Also, I am not seeing where to select the midi channel in imidi or where to block messages, notes, etc. can you advice on that? Thank you, I appreciate your attention to the matter, the synth sounds AMAZING but I need it to be stable before I can use it live. Stuck notes over a loud PA would be (and has been) less than desirable. I'm happy to test anything for you, just let me know what you'd like.


    I left a reply in the mobile app forum, but this morning the virtual midi stuck note issue seems to be not happening, maybe it was because the went work midi was on too, now that its off all seems to be working well. A solid update, thank you. My only request is to allow imini to respond to a specific midi channel, because with it as omni it cannot be in the background with another synth running or they both sound simultaneously.
    But, the crashing with patch saving seems to be solved, audiobus integration is awesome and painless, and the video that Glenn did which highlighted the halfway switch position on audio input- GOLD, so thank you for listening to the requests and I really look forward to trying this in my live rig this weekend.


    > My only request is to allow imini to respond to a specific midi channel

    I'll second this request. I am a live player and was hoping to use iMini live to replace the Mini sounds I've been using on my Yamaha rack. But as I use multiple keyboards, the iMini app will pick up either keyboard I'm playing whether or not that is what I want. I don't yet have iMini but am probably going to buy it.


    Hi guys,
    thanks for the feedback.
    We will add this to the feature request list.
    Concerning the stuck note issue, let me know if this happens again.



    Thanks! I hope it gets added as it will make iMini much more useful for playing live. I just recently started adding in Mini Moog sounds (using one this week, in fact), so I think iMini will become very useful to me.


    I have since purchased iMini and it is fantastic! Thanks. But I do want to bring up (again) my desire for iMini to respond to a specific MIDI Channel. OMNI mode is not ideal when playing live and probably means I won't use it for live use. I'm playing multiple keyboards/racks and sending out MIDI notes on different channels and I can't have the iMini playing while I'm trying to play a sound on a rack.

    I have the same problem with Garageband. I would be using the GB organs if it wasn't for OMNI-only mode.

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