Pitchshifter - Sounds great, but no automation! *gasp*

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i see. i think, when designing my parameter handling infrastructure, i perhaps made a bad design decision by neglecting VST parameter automation. in the context of liberty, i'll have to implement a new parameter handling infrastructure anyway. and in doing so, i'll have a keen eye on doing it in way that makes it possible to retrofit it to the other plugins. we'll see how it works out, but i can't make promises right now
My website: rs-met.com, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


In Fl Studio I right click the "Fine" patameter, but it says "MIDI Learn (currently none)".

I don't think FL Studio support this type of automation.
Play it by ear


Robin from www.rs-met.com wrote: personally, whenever i feel the desire to tweak some parameter in realtime (say filter-cutoff :D ), i just do the midi-learn thing (with CC74 usually). i never felt the desire to use VST automation as opposed to MIDI automation - they both accomplish more or less the same task, just that midi controllers are directly linked to my hardware keyboard (-> instant tweaking fun).
Ditto. I do old-school "real-time" and record it. I've never once used Vst automation, though the majority of my 'tools' support it.

I get the impression it is used primarily (though certainly not exclusively) by those people who are "composing" humongous projects, or "scores", with dozens of synths and effects running all at once.

I can't even imagine setting-myself-up, for that kind of system failure.

Anyway, if you implement Vst automation, will it screw-up the MIDI-learn?

I'm not a musician, but I've designed sounds that others use to make music. http://soundcloud.com/obsidiananvil


pheeleep wrote:In Fl Studio I right click the "Fine" patameter, but it says "MIDI Learn (currently none)".

I don't think FL Studio support this type of automation.
this "currently none" means that currently no midi controller is assigned to this parameter. as far as i know, FL does not, by default, forward the midi messages to the plugin. one has to somehow set it up via FLs internal controller mapping. i don't really know the details of this procedure off the top of my head, but maybe it can point you into the right direction.
My website: rs-met.com, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


Shabdahbriah wrote:if you implement Vst automation, will it screw-up the MIDI-learn?
the question how to support these two competing automation concepts without interfering with one another was indeed one my main reasons to just support one and omit the other. i have an idea how support both (see the liberty thread). i think that it will work, provided that the user does not try to send (potentially conflicting) data on both channels.
My website: rs-met.com, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook

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