Thanks for the LE-Version, and some feature requests

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Hi Attila,

first let me say the LE-Version is a very good offer! I couldn't resist, even more so now there's a forum :) I'm looking forward to work with this very interesting program!

Some feature requests that came with first tests:

- Most important: please make RC send NOTE OFF to MIDI-Out on stop and loop end on MIDI tracks. When I use the chord generator and activate looping, the last chord in the loop keeps on playing while the loop restarts. Same when I stop transport in the middle of a chord. Forgot to mention RC is connected with my DAW through virtual midi cable.

- Make the piano roll scrollable and zoomable. I miss a vertical Scrollbar when I add a track to the bottom of the piano roll. The program window seems to be a Dialog window instead of a resizable window, maybe using the wrong window style? It's difficult to work with more than 4 tracks without being able to scroll through them. It's difficult to work with a window that exeeds the borders of my display and cannot be reduced properly. The minimum width of the window is far too big.

- Templates and progressions: seems not possible to organize them in groups like the other items (phrases etc), but would be very handy.

- Creating a new composition and saving as - afterwords, save should save without prompting with a folder dialog again.

- A tutorial for building a complete song (melody, harmony, rhythm) with a simple progression would be welcome. I'd even suggest two tutorials, one to get you going quickly, demonstrating the main workflow and program features, and a second one going into all the details and wonders the program has to offer.

Thank you!


Hi Roland,

thank you for your feedback. We do our best to improve RC and fix the remaining issues.

All Notes Off is sent to MIDI Out on stop and at the end of a loop. Is it possible this message is not forwarded to your host on the virtual MIDI cable? If you use a VSTi or soundfont hosted by RC, you won't experience this issue. We will consider to make an option for sending individual Note Off messages.

There is a scrollbar on the right side of the window. I suspect you use a 1280-pixel horizontal resolution. A recent UI change did not allow the window to reduce its vertical size to 1280, so I fixed it and sent you an update in your mailbox.

We are aware of the window problems and those will be fixed very soon. You can resize the window, though the mouse pointer remains an arrow when over the right-bottom resizing area.

I could not reproduce the problem when pressing the "Save" button.

More tutorials will come, but don't hold your breath :) We know that documentation and tutorials are important for a new user, but we are a small company and all the efforts go into improving RC. We have too many ideas to implement...

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