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OnePingOnly by Smart Electronix is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin.
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By Bram @ Smart Electronix.

OnePingOnly uses tuned filters to create the "ping".


  • Uses tuned filters to create the ping.
  • 16 pings can be played simultaneously.
  • Each ping is mapped to a different key, like in a drum-layout.
  • Each ping has a parameter for frequency, duration, panning, distortion and amplitude.
  • Uses hosts default interface.

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 3.71 from 7 reviews

Reviewed By pough [all]
November 26th, 2020
Version reviewed: on Windows

I traveled back in time to revisit OnePingOnly and I have discovered two amazing things about it.

1. There were 16 pings.

2. There is a new 64-bit version at the developer's github with 128 pings.

All these many years (the file date of original plugin is April 2000) I though there was one ping only, but there never was and never will be. I mean, unless I play it very carefully. I guess I could think of it as 128 single pings.

You can do anything with OnePingOnly. Anything at all. The only limit is yourself. The infinite is possible with OnePingOnly. The unattainable is unknown with OnePingOnly.

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Reviewed By Krakatau [all]
September 27th, 2020
Version reviewed: last on Windows

This plugin is amazing !

And needs a huge, honorific bumping... just because it's has been among the most teased, the most mocked in the KVR posts through the years, and this mainly due, it really needed to be undeline, to a herd instinct process that animates us, poor sheeps of the KVR herd that has become incredibly huge !.

Consider this as a personal will to make myself forgiven and a management to give a bit of justice to this ingenious free plugin, as a symbolic consolation price to Bram, its developper...


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Reviewed By The Chase [all]
December 30th, 2015
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Life-changing synth. If you've hit a wall in your ascent to being the big name producer that you want to be, and are wondering what synth will take you to the big league, this is likely it. I wish more developers took a page from OnePingOnly's book when designing their instruments. My music was lacking that special something, and boy am I glad I found that special something.

Don't let the lack of a GUI fool you.

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Reviewed By Daedalus [all]
June 27th, 2004
Version reviewed: Beta 1 on Windows

User Interface
This VSTi uses the default interface of the host. I use FLstudio so when I open this VSTi I just see a shitload of confusing thingy's. I'd really wish this VSTi would have a good interface, because now it is VERY difficult to work with.

Can create some weird, but nice, pings and blings. Also useable in percussion. But that's al it can do.

Very limited, to say the least.

Not much

Some nice presets! Too bad they have numbers in stead of names!

Customer Support.

It's free!

Very stable.

It's not much, but it's worth a try.
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Reviewed By x_bruce [all]
December 26th, 2001
Version reviewed: 1.x on Windows

You set up ping relationships, weird as that sounds what it means is you get a percussive kind of synth that can get impressively complex. Good for dnb but begging to be used in experimental tracks, OnePingOnly has a different kind of learning curve although once used to it has high fun factor.

Pros: unique sounding, unique means of developing percussive sounds
Cons: no GUI, supposed to be coming soon :)

It's a hard call, some people I've suggested get this free VSTi simply hated it. I played it in the context of a song the same people liked it.

Maybe I'm a easy touch but when creative ideas are made free for me to have fun with I'm greatly appreciative. Cool idea, thinking differently will get you used to the OnePingOnly world.
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Comments & Discussion for Smart Electronix OnePingOnly

Discussion: Active
30 December 2015 at 12:36pm

Dammit, you gave away the secret to success! OPO is THE magic weapon in every producer's tool kit.

17 October 2019 at 8:08am

my goto for affordable omnisphere sounds!!.

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