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BioTek 2 has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for BioTek 2

BioTek 2

Reviewed By moonchunk [all]
April 29th, 2018
Version reviewed: 1.6.5 on Windows

I'm very new to the new Tracktion team. I'd heard about them once or twice, but never saw any of their work in any detail. Purchasing Mackie mixers caused me to encounter "Lite" or early versions of one of their Tracktion DAWs, but as I've always felt overwhelmed with the number of DAW products available, with all their various strengths and weaknesses, I was afraid to try to learn its advantages. Until this month I didn't realize that Tracktion, early on, was really instrumental in developing some tendencies (contextual editing workflows built into the GUI, and track/clip freezing to name 2).

In toying with this for an hour or so, I find this to be one of the most well thought out ambient sound design tools out there. Make no mistake, there is a lot of deep function to understand, but right out of the box you can get your sound moods going faster than with anything, and I mean anything else. I've tried much of what's out there, and there are a great number of tools with certain better features, and certain better GUI sections, etc. Where this plugin shines is in having such a sheer volume of creative potential that isn't found elsewhere, allowing constant morphing if you like, note by note fx if you like, mathematical playgrounds if you like, etc., etc.

Well done to the team at Tracktion for getting this accomplished, and I am looking forward to trying out Biotek 2 which is set to drop momentarily, which has apparently added granular oscillators to the possibilities, (just when Propellerheads also have pushed forward in that direction which is nice - its always interesting to see multiple new takes on an old method.).

Biotek 2 also is said to add new filter types and an improved graphical design, but there's so much in here as it is that I can only hope to understand it over a number of months.

If you do sound design, trap, film scoring, ambient or chill type music, I think this baby will be a happy surprise even though it may seem slightly more expensive than certain other tools. Its like instead of buying a package of spice frozen meat, with biotek you're getting a whole fridge full of inspiring foods to create with and sample. And no, they are not toxic or labeled biohazard if you don't want them to be. (Which assumes you're not a zombie).

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Comments & Discussion for Tracktion Software BioTek 2

Discussion: Active
4 November 2017 at 2:47pm


First of I'd like to thank the developers of Biotek and Waveform for taking the plunge, and providing support for other OS's beside micro$ windows (tm) and apple OSn. So far I'm very impressed with the products, achieving 2-5% CPU utilization for demo project (jackd server), and am generally very happy with the purchase.

I've paid for and installed the Waveform (8) top tier package ($200), and so far I've activated the essentials collection, Bioteck, and part way through setting up collective (2GB download : (). While debugging Bioteck functionality, I noticed a dependency for webkit-gtk. Anyone feel free to chip in here, but that package can only be regarded as safe to use on the apple OSn platform, where I believe it is actively patched. Most linux's only provide thispackage for legacy support, and encourage users to avoid it because of the plethora of CVE's, microsoft doesn't appear to directly support this library by relying on 3rd party maintainers i.e. Tracktion and the webkit-gtk people (assuming they're still alive). Fortunately for Tracktion M$ windows users assume everything is OK in the playground because developers are very clever, and sort security issues out tout suite. Experienced linux users are less presumptious, and tend to assume the worst, that said I've practically given up on 'security' as a concept following the realization that the privacy war is not fought on a level pitch, and everyone including governments think that privacy protections are not for the masses (us). I'll cut to the chase, webkit-gtk is provided as a source package, for me it was an 8 hour build, the supported webkit2gtk package is a binary package, and takes <5minutes to install. Is there a plan to migrate the webkit dependency to webkit2? I for one would be very appreciative.

Thanks for your patience.


As an aside is webkit used as a widget/gl-canvas rendering library? There are probably better alternatives if that should be so.

22 April 2018 at 4:26am

I've downloaded the demo of Waveform, interested in some of the novel features. I would like to know the answer as well. I don't have a linux O/S; is the concern a factor for Windows users? It sounds like its not (because Windows developers are clever.) But a developer being clever may not protect the end user and "tout site" as the gentleman put it is not an idiom I am familiar with.

I have a few weeks to try and get familiar with Waveform. Thank you for the demo.

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