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Vocal Pockets releases Boom-Bap Groove Builder Collection

Vocal Pockets

Vocal Pockets has released the Boom Bap Groove Builder Collection, saying:

Boom-Bap Groove Builder Collection is a first-of-kind tool that allows producers working in all genres to effortlessly add a spell-binding groove and bounce to their beats, inspired by Boom Bap classics.

Let's be real. It can be a pain and take forever to get a standout groove in your beats. Sometimes it can feel like you're stuck in quicksand manually nudging notes, drawing velocities or randomizing over and over again.

However, with the Boom Bap Groove Builder Collection, you will now be able to easily:

  • Create drum feelings never heard before.
  • Get the go-to hi hat velocities for boom bap that'll 10x your drum bounce.
  • Craft and stamp your signature groove on songs in seconds.
  • Get your drums and melodies to perfectly compliment each other.

The offering includes:

  • 180+ Groove Builders inspired by Boom Bap music, including classic Boom Bap songs.
  • Suggested Instruments - a feature that provides guidance as to where your kicks, snares, and hi hats should be off the grid.
  • Groove Families - know which combination of Suggested Instrument Groove Builders go together so you can easily combine them to get a feeling that you otherwise wouldn't get.
  • VD4H (Velocity designed for hi hats) - instantly get the go-to Boom Bap hi hat velocities without needing to painstakingly manually draw velocities or randomize.
  • Delay Groove Builders - a set of Groove Builders that allow you to push the limits of groove.
  • Groove Builder MIDI files, Ableton Live Standard & Suite Groove Pool Files, FL Studio score files, and a Logic Pro X project template so that you can get started fast.
  • Training materials to help you craft your signature groove quickly.

Intro Price: $47.00 (Reg. $67.00).



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