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Audiosingularity is a two brother's DSP and audio development operation, based in São Paulo, Brazil.

We use artificial inteligence to model real world music hardware to provide new solutions to musicians and producers.

Every product takes huge time and effort to make. From research to development, we do it with great music passion, with the musicians and producers in mind.

Products by audiosingularity

Latest reviews of audiosingularity products

Neurontube Tangie

Reviewed By Faydit [all]
June 3rd, 2024
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

There are three reasons to buy this plugin: Sound, sound, sound.

One of the best, if not the very best Orange amp plugin, which I have heard up too now. Excellent combination of amps too, the Dual Terror is the all round option with it's - for an Orange amp slightly slimmer sounding Tiny Terror channel and the additional Fat channel, which rather covers the classic Orange sounds, but with more gain. The Jim Root #4 is a little more special, more or less the little brother of the Rockerverb Mk. 2, it also offers a little darker voiced clean to crunch up to very, very unique sounding high.gain / Metal tones, which are - if you like them - a class of iit's own, soundwise a differently sounding alternative to the more usual, but also meanwhile more inflationary Rectifier, 5150, ... sounds. As this amp is discontinued meanwhile, it is nice, to still have access to it as a plugin.

Very authentic, very natural tones, which also react well to attack. Harmonics reproduction also is very good, you have the feeling, that you play a real amp and no plugin. What more can you wish?

Very positive I also found that as an overdrive the EHX Crayon had been added and not (once again) only a Tube Screamer.

The two V30 cabinets with a wide range of also more unusual microphones do a good job too, the additional room reverb simulations also can be useful, as much as the wide option.

Orange typical all three voicings individually can be adjusted to almost everything between (British) clean and high-gain, so in my opinion this plugin is a must-have for Orange amp sound fans, no matter if you look for classic Orange tones, for modern Metal tones or for anything in between.

Maybe not the cheapest amp plugin in times of freeware NAM and ToneX models, on the other hand you get completely and excellently modeled / programmed amps with all necessary features and not only some single amateur snapshot captures, therefore also not overpriced, much less for the sound quality.

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Neurontape 1972

Reviewed By kuac [all]
November 18th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on Linux

Excellent plugin, adds great tape saturation, and can be used in different ways in your mix, besides being a multiplatform plugin, I really recommend it, it's really worth it. Thanks for the Linux version;).

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Neurontape 1972

Reviewed By mat222 [all]
August 13th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Very very analog sounding. Super crunchy, natural and organic sounding tape saturation. Highly recommend. I'd like to see a dry-wet mix knob though.

Response from xmanfredini from audiosingularity on August 14th, 2023

Thank you very much Mat. This unit sounds very much crunchy indeed, it is very special. The Dry-wet knob is a good suggestion, we will take this into consideration. Thanks again! Enjoy.

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Neurontube: debut

Reviewed By daeldred [all]
April 27th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

This is an excellent high gain VST plugin. I have a number of other amp plugins and this one kicks ass.

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Neurontube: debut

Reviewed By YnJ [all]
March 26th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

Excellent amp, the SLO-100 is easily the best free high gain VST amp I've heard, and sounds close enough to a Soldano as far as I'm concerned. No trouble with unwanted noise, exessive use of CPU or antivirus.

The TF300 is a nice addition, and something you don't see much of in amp sims. It captures the sound of the Laney quite well when hooked up with an external IR loader. Cheap or not, it has a distinctive sound which many find attractive. The pedals are of decent quality, I liked the distortion in particular. The amps are very well done, the cab section could use some more work. The two 4x12 cabs works well with the SLO-100, I don't think the 1×12 Combo does the TF300 justice though.

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Neurontube: debut

Reviewed By Faydit [all]
January 30th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Not really bad, in principle, but also not really awesome, new, innovative, outstanding or at least better sounding for me.

I already have a much better and more authentically sounding SLO plugin and the Laney is just a cheap transistor amp with alibi tube and so it unfortunately also sounds. I hardly can imagine, that anybody needs a plugin simulation of a transistor amp, at least I do not.

Strange, not very convincing amp combination.

The pedals only sound like some budget copies to me, not my idea of usable, much less top-notch or iconic vintage pedal tones.

The sounds did not convince me enough for a new plugin from 2023, sorry.

Response from xmanfredini from audiosingularity on February 3rd, 2023

Yes, there is a lot of room for improvement. Thanks for trying Neurontube.

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Neurontube: debut

Reviewed By BillyVai [all]
January 10th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Bad performance in my PC, it takes a lot of CPU consumption. I hope in the future they can figure out how can fix that.

Response from xmanfredini from audiosingularity on February 3rd, 2023

Oh, we are working on making options to run easy on older CPU's. Thank you for your suggestion.

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Neurontube: debut

Reviewed By Dorcia1 [all]
January 9th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

Excellent amp. Looks great obviously, but sounds really good. What you don't see until you install it is there is a cabinet selection option, pedalboard, and most notably a second combo amp. The Eqs are really sensitive which I like. A lot of amp sims are designed to sound exactly like the real amp your modelling which is fine, but I have real amps, a Helix, and Kemper, and loads of amp plugs. The sensitive eq makes it easy to cut through each individual mix according to the song. Anyway, kind of can't believe this is free. Grab it before it isn't. No problems with Norton or virus on my end. Thanks for the plugin.

Response from xmanfredini from audiosingularity on February 3rd, 2023

Thank you very much.

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