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12 Gods: Aphrodite - Omnisphere 2

Omnisphere 2 Soundbank by Vicious Antelope
12 Gods: Aphrodite - Omnisphere 2
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Operating System Availability
Operating System Latest Version
System Requirements
Omnisphere 2.8
• Software 2.8.3d
• Soundsources v2.6.1c
• Patches v2.8.1c
License & Installation Method
No License Required
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12 Gods: Aphrodite - Omnisphere 2

12 Gods: Aphrodite is a 50 patches library for Omnisphere and 4th volume of "12 Gods" series. It is inspired by the Goddess of Beauty. Its sounds are focused on airy and beautiful soundscapes to recreate the beautiful nature of Aphrodite in a sonic dimension but also there are some fuller and darker patches that mirror the dark side of the Goddess as very often mentioned on Greek Mythology.

This soundbank is like a whole record for the life of the Goddess of Beauty who emerged from the seas and was given the Golden Apple. Paris the Trojan, brother of Hector had to choose who is the most beautiful Goddess among Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Athena promised to give him wisdom, Hera to give him strength and Aphrodite to give him the most beautiful woman on earth as a bride. Paris chose Aphrodite and this event led to Trojan War.

Each patch refers to a different myth or person connected with Aphrodite. Sounds full of complex motion, shimmering synths, textural patches, atmospheric layers and airy feeling create a nice soundbank focused on electronic and cinematic or game audio music.

MW is used for a subtle vibrato while AT is attached to Pitch variation.

Presets were designed with Omnisphere 2.8 or and run best with this or newer version.

• Software 2.8.3d.

• Soundsources v2.6.1c.

• Patches v2.8.1c.

{See video at top of page}

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