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All reviews by djtheremixx

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Mixcraft 10.5 Pro Studio

Reviewed By djtheremixx [all]
July 30th, 2023
Version reviewed: 10 on Windows

I've been using Mixcraft for over ten years. I've worked with Mixcraft 5, 7, 8, 9, and now 10, and this is by far the WORST version of Mixcraft I have EVER used. None of my samples from previous versions will carry over, a good portion of my plug-ins won't load into it, and its just not very user friendly. I used to be able to use the space bar to pause/ play, but not anymore. Sometimes the play/pause button on the screen doesn't even work. If I open a plug-in to edit it, I can't close out of it, the x doesn't do anything. Same with editing virtual instruments, so I end up with multiple tabs open that I can't close out of. I can't go into preferences. No clue why it just won't let me open it, so I have no way to switch to headphones, change MIDI preferences, etc. Honestly I tried this version out for about two weeks and then went right back to using version 9, at least that one actually works. I only paid the $39 upgrade price and I feel it wasn't worth it, I could never imagine paying full price for this garbage. I've been a loyal customer to Acoustica for most of my music career but I think it's time to just save my money and get something better like FL or Logic.

As you can see below, even with the project paused it will not let me get into preferences, ctrl + alt + p doesn.t work either I tried. I have multiple FX and instrument tabs I can't close out of. I would have left this review on Acoustica's site directly, but their site doesn't have anywhere to leave reviews, I wonder why.

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