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String Studio VS-2

Strings / Orchestral Plugin by Applied Acoustics Systems
Newer Version:
String Studio VS-3

String Studio VS-2 has an average user rating of 4.00 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for String Studio VS-2

String Studio VS-2

Reviewed By ozmoz2008 [all]
October 6th, 2008
Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on Windows

It's amazing that there is no higher reviews on this product. I just discovered it since the last few months and already can place it easily in soundtrack context.

It's amazing how this company develop such a unique way of programming sounds...since Tassman I was always impress...

The GUI is really nice and easy to understand. The preset management could have been better presented, but easy enough to get through it fast.

The sound is truly unique and does have quite interesting harmonics. It probably depends on which presets you make your appreciation. When I use it the last time, a warm shivering sound was coming out of this synth. It is not the type of overtones that make your ears screech, but the type that gives you Goosebumps (I can't stand those airy high-end bell types of sounds all the time. It makes me go crazy after a while) I like crystal clear sounds, but with some warmth in it, and this VST is capable of achieving such sound.

I didn't work a lot with the features presented, but from what I saw it's capable of doing some quite original sounds. It's probably less deep in programmability than some other great synth out there, but it can achieve something you may not be able to do easily in other synths.

I had some info online and with a small documentation attach...but since this VST is pretty intuitive, there is no need for bigger documentation...just simple and clear explanations.

There are some very good presets in the bank, could always use more, but I think it is a really good start with what they offer.

So far customer supports seems to be good, I had some problems at start with downloading the software and there were helpful telling out to do it the easiest way and even give me an other option.

The buy is totally worthy if you buy the Bundle deal..., which is what I did. It includes some other great gems from AAS such as Lounge Lizard, Guitar Strum, Ultra Analog VA-1 and the super great synth Tassman...all good vsts that can find their places in many soundtracks.

Stability is extra good...no problem and really not hungry for CPU....

This VST is great buy! :) And I think this company should be well more known on KVR ...they truly make some unique and very good VST’s !

Thumbs up for me ! ;)
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