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Blade Synths - Mercury-6

Blade Synths - Mercury-6
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System Requirements
MERCURY-6 1.0.5 (Build 87)
License & Installation Method
No License Required
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Blade Synths - Mercury-6

Blade Synths is a 50 polysynth collection for Cherry Audio Mercury-6 synthesizer. Those sounds capture the sonic character of this great synth which have been used from some of the greatest musicians over the decades.

The vintage identity of the presets and the nostalgia they exhale are a great fit for early electronic stuff, for retro futuristic cinematic escapes and full of memories Synthwave – Retrowave as well as new age productions.

Presets were designed with MERCURY-6 1.0.5 (Build 87) and run best with this or newer edition.

{See video at top of page}

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