MAutoPitch screws up stereo image?

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Hi everyone!

I have MAutoPitch on a stereo recording (XY) of an acoustic guitar. I just wanna use it to bring down the formants very slightly. Everything else is set to zero (except for 100% wet, keep formants 100% but it doesn't matter and base at 440Hz (which hopefully doesn't matter either)).
Now even when I also set the formant shift to 0 the plugin still screws up the stereo image. I can also see it on the meter that the output is different from the input. The output also isn't consistent in how it is different so that the guitar changes it's location in the stereo field all the time.

Is there something I'm overlooking?
I even just found the Detector Threshold and set it to 0 so that it stops detecting anything. The problem stays the same.

I am running the latest version of AutoPitch on an M1 Macbook with Ventura 13.6.6 in Logic 10.8.1

All the best,


No one?




I tried with plugin doctor with version 16.04 and i don't see stereo differences


Stereo image seems to be shifted when MAutoPitch's EFFECTS/WIDTH is just 0.0 cents.
Changing the value improved it. Not sure why.
(Melda16.11 + Reaper7.15 : both win10 & macOS14.5)


Oh, wow, yeah changing the Width even the slightest bit fixes the biggest part of the problem.
There is still some altering of the sound going on, though. It's also non-consistent. If I start playing from different bars of the song I'll get different effects.
…it's a pitty,. I did like how it is darkening the sound in an interesting way.


Perhaps MFilter's Vowel preset might be useful.
I use kilohearts Formant Filter's Vowel Selector modulated by Snapheap or Multipass.

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