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EastWest/Quantum Leap Gypsy features a collection of extremely detailed Gypsy style virtual instruments capable of playing completely realistic performances. Gypsy is essential for film, TV and game composers.

The nylon string guitar, violin and trombone can play in both Gypsy and Classical styles. In the classical realm these three instruments are unparalleled in the sampling world in terms of playability, diversity and sound quality.

The new king of sampled violins has arrived. The violin and trombone feature many articulations, repetitions and even true legato intervals. All of the guitars were sampled with up and down strokes, many velocities and picking styles, release trails, chords and effects. Gypsy's guitars sound incredible and were played by one of the best session guitarists in Los Angeles, David Kole.

The accordions feature many different setups, all with air flow in and out samples, as well as expressive samples, chords, and left hand bass.

Gypsy also has a very cool Gypsy percussion program and two flamenco dancers (foot stomps, as well as traditional castanets).

Gypsy also features an incredible bandoneon and cimbalom, two very rare instruments.

With the combination of Gypsy, Ra and Silk collections you have the most detailed and expressive ethnic instruments ever produced.


  • Approximately 11 GB of content.
  • Solo instruments with unprecedented detail.
  • Violin (true legato intervals) classical and gypsy style.
  • Classical Guitar.
  • Flamenco Guitar.
  • Django Style Guitar.
  • Spanish Steel String Guitar.
  • Campana Accordion.
  • Silvestri Accordion.
  • Excelsior Accordion.
  • Bandoneon (tango accordion).
  • Trombone (true legato intervals) classical and gypsy style.
  • Cimbalom (Eastern European Hammered Dulcimer).
  • Flamenco Dancer floor stomps and castanets.
  • Gypsy percussion.

{See video at top of page}

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