
MAAT releases thEQblue v3.0 with FiDef Digital Audio Process

22nd January 2021

MAAT Incorporated has announced the release of thEQblue version 3.0, a cross-platform plug-in for correction and aesthetic equalization of all content including music, motion picture and game audio. The new version includes a world's first, the addition of the exclusive FiDef digital audio process.

MAAT says:

Available for select workstation platforms, thEQblue v3 builds on the proven foundation of MAAT's celebrated original, while bringing a new layer of subtle refinement to the already reference quality minimum phase equalizer. FiDef is a proprietary psychoacoustic process, developed in cooperation with neuroscientists and DSP experts, that activates a receptive listener's subconscious. It makes digital audio content more compelling and brings audiences closer to the emotion of the music.

MAAT's thEQblue plug-in is delivered in all modern formats, including cross-platform AAX, VST 2 and VST 3 as well as AU for macOS.

Perpetual licenses for thEQblue are available in two tiers; thEQblue6, $219, offers six popular series equalizer Architectures, while thEQblue12, $389, extends the license to include the entire set of all ten series plus two additional parallel Architectures.

KVR Audio, Inc.