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MPowerSynth MPowerSynth MPowerSynth MPowerSynth MPowerSynth MPowerSynth MPowerSynth
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Windows 8 / 10 / 11 (64-bit)
VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (64-bit)
Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
System Requirements
macOS 10.14 and newer (64-bit)
VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host
Intel/AMD/M1 processor with SSE2 support
M1 (native Apple Silicon ARM CPU) support
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MPowerSynth is an extremely versatile synthesizer featuring the best sounding oscillators on the market, the most advanced distorting filters and a unique modular effects engine. It also features our smart randomization system providing endless inspiration.


MPowerSynth comes with over 1500 community designed presets, post-processed to get the highest possible quality. Each preset features at least 4 macro controls, automatically assigned to standard MIDI controllers such as modulation wheel or expression pedal. This means unexhaustible set of leads, pads, basses, effects and much more... And if you run out of inspiration or simply want something really new, our ground-breaking smart randomization engine will let you create literally infinite number of sounds.


Almost all digital synthesizers on the market produce severe aliasing. Some try to fight it by oversampling, some ignore it, and others simply add some noise and tell you that this simulates analog synthesizers. Analog synthesizers on the other hand suffer from limited versatility, distortion induced by the imperfection of the analog components, and, of course, noise. MPowerSynth oscillators provide crystal clear sound free of any aliasing, distortion and other imperfections. But of course, if you want to make it less perfect, MPowerSynth gives you plenty of opportunities to do so. Don't take our word for it - get the trial and check it yourself! If you don't hear it, just use an analyzer, MAnalyzer is free :).


MPowerSynth features extremely versatile double-distorting filters, two of them for each voice and any number of them in the FX section. Each provides an advanced input distortion and output saturation, and the filter itself is powered by its own envelope or you can control it using the powerful modulators. And you can choose from more than 100 different filters - from classic low/high/band-pass and shelves, to formant, comb, diffuser, polymorph filters and much more.


MPowerSynth features almost all of the top-class effects MeldaProduction is known for, in an easy-to-use modular environment. If you just want a great sounding rotary or chorus, it is 2 clicks away. But you can have literally any number of effects you want, connect them however you want, add feedback etc. The smart randomizer can generate the whole FX structures! And if you jump in manually, it really lets you unleash your creativity! So what effects you have at your disposal? Over 35, consisting of modulation effects, filters, distortion, dynamics and much more. And of course lots of building blocks, such as a crossover, feedback, mixer etc.


All our creative plugins feature probably the most versatile modulators on the market, and MPowerSynth is no exception. Whenever you wish to bring life to the sound, it is just a few clicks away. You can modulate literally anything using LFO, envelope and random generator. Things like MIDI reset, sync, custom LFO and envelope shapes are certainly available...


MPowerSynth's polyphonic arpeggiator is so versatile, that you may consider it cheating! It can follow your chords up, down, randomly, play all of the notes, specific interval, or any combination. Then you have shuffle, note length, multi-octave etc. You can change velocity, octave, length and even probability for each step. And the best part is, as always, the smart randomizer, which lets you generate complete arpeggiator settings, or just some sequences...get inspired.


MPowerSynth just gives you more than you are used to - custom glide shape, custom velocity curve, harmony voices, automatic output volume setup, safety limiter, up to 16x oversampling and much more... Whether you are focused on audio quality, maximum creativity or ease-of-use, MPowerSynth provides more. MPowerSynth is a new class of synthesizers focused on the future.

{See video at top of page}

User Reviews Average user rating of 4.40 from 5 reviews Add A Review

Reviewed By Boy Wonder [all]
April 6th, 2022
Version reviewed: 15.01 on Windows

I had an opportunity to check out this synth today. It's interesting - with the depth and wealth of effects and modulations you can do with, I'm surprised it's often not mentioned in the same breath as, say, Serum, Sylenth1, Virus, etc. This sort of reminds me of the three Waves synths - very capable machines lost in the jungle of their company's more popular effect plugins. To be sure, a Moog imitation MPowerSynth is not. You won't get it confused with Diva, Minimonsta, The Legend, OB-E, or any of the thick-sounding virtual analog VSTi's out there. Not only does it not look analog-ish with it's straightforward clinical lines, but it's crisp sound is much cleaner. There's good and bad to that. If you want oak tree-thick, you have to apply one or more of their seemingly endless effects. If you want thin, bright and airy, it has that in spades. Mainly, I was impressed with this synth's versatility. In no time, I was able to cook up an interesting Cmin7 arpeggiation that'll do nicely as an ambient track. I'll definitely be using this synth more.

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Reviewed By jbar [all]
November 3rd, 2019
Version reviewed: 10.14.2 on Mac

Short review:


- great possibilities to manipulate the sound.

- many presets.

- preset browser structure.

- flexible GUI.


- very poor sound quality (presets).

- assignment to the groups in the preset browser is not reasonable.

- sounds very digital.

- high CPU load.

For my the most important parameter in a synth is how it's sound. And here I have to state that there are many plugins outside which sound better.If you like digital sounds and you like to make your own sounds MPS might be the right choice.

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Reviewed By mhept [all]
June 21st, 2016
Version reviewed: 7.1 on Windows

I got the synth for the indrotuction price. Man was I smart to buy that.

It is the most feature-rich synth I've came across. I love the sub-preset manager for all sections (filter-presets, OSC-presets, FX-presets, FX-chain-presets!!!)
You can really adjust everything in this synth: Seperate oversampling/quality settings OSCs, Filters, FX, Control over global oversampling.

The latest update to version 10.0 was another huge improvement on the already good synth. The GUI is much smoother for me and CPU load went down significantly. The update also added some incredible new FX. Now you get almost as many FX as in the MXXX Effect Plugin on top.

If I didn't own it I would probably buy it before the price goes up.

Really good is also the integrated documentation: Every little feature (and there are many) is explained in separate popups you can quickly open. More programs should have that.

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Reviewed By pheeleep [all]
October 13th, 2015
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

In 2011, I got my first taste of a Melda oscillator and what a tease that was! Melda released the free effect MOscillator, a "test tone" plugin. I instantly fell in love with the sound of the oscillator and emailed MeldaProduction begging for a synth that used this oscillator. The developer replied that this was already on his long To Do list. I loved the sound of MOscillator so much that I ended up using it as a synth a few times (Playing the test tones via MIDI and adding flavor via external effects).

Fast forward to 2014 and MPowerSynth is released: An extremely powerful subtractive synth with an interesting topology and select FM and Additive capabilities that enable it to excel in the creation of a broad range of sounds. Version 9.10 used for this review:The synth offers a Global section with Global parameters, 3 "daisy chained" oscillators, a noise generator, 2 filters with many different types of high quality filters available and the most featured effect section of any synth that I know of in terms of quality, quantity, and modularity of the effects.

MPowerSynth offers options a plenty, many of these options accessible via separate windows and menus that offer a multitude of additional parameters. There are tabs, tabs within tabs, tabs within tabs within tabs, but there is a method to the madness and these additional modes and parameters offer a much higher level of tweak-ability than the great majority of soft synths. In my opinion, it is well worth the reasonable time it takes to dig deep into the manual (95 pages) while experimenting with the various options to remember where they all are and what they do. Once you go there, you won't look back.


Superb sounding anti-aliasing Oscillators with extreme level of customization. Highly tweak-able. Users can also import/convert single cycle waveforms and can even create new waveforms by blending existing ones with imported ones. In addition, users can essentially draw their own waveforms.

Oscillator topology allows for Unison on OSC1 and enables OSC2 and OSC3 to be set to one of eight unique modes that determine how these interact with/are affected by the previous oscillator in the chain (eg: To achieve Frequency modulation, ring modulation, sync..)

29 oscillator waveform "transform types" which allow PWM and AM, for instance.

Customizable shapes for Modulators.

Harmonics mode for the Oscillators.

You can resize the GUI and customize it by changing the style/colors used.

Customized Glide shape/behavior.

Polyphonic arpeggiator with many available options as well as a smart randomizer.

6 harmony generators.

Morph up to 4 separate patches (A, B, C, D)

Save and load presets for an OSC, Filter, FX chain, Modular shape, Velocity shape, etc..., within the plugin. So you can re-use any presets created in any of these sub-sections in any patch.

Effects parameters are modulatable.

Step sequencer available as a modulator, in addition to LFO and Envelope.

Many different high quality filter types. An assortment of flavors between Clean and Distorted, including classic low/high/band-pass and shelves, formant, comb, diffuser, polymorph filters.... A sound designers dream.

Large quantity of high quality effects presented in a modular topology.

Many of the separate sections within the synth have a Random button (only randomizes parameters in that specific section) in addition to the global preset randomize function.

A separate Transform shape for each one of the parameters in modulators.

Multiple Undo/Redo of actions taken by user.

Up to 16x oversampling.

1500+ included presets (some better than others, but lots of great ones)

Scroll over to any of the toolbars within the plugin and hit F1 (PC) for info about that section and a description of each option.

The developer implements feature requests when he agrees with a suggestion and does it in a very short amount of time. Also, rather than forcing the user into 1 way of doing things, the developer leaves it up to the user to decide by providing new options that each user can set as he/she sees fit. Often these options are available via a right/click or additional window as to not overbear the main UI with additional parameters and options.


You have to double click to load a preset in the browser. I would prefer single click. Come to think about it I will make a feature request about this.

No simple "modulation Matrix" to quickly modulate a user defined destination by a certain amount using a user defined source. This would be great as a simplified option for modulation when one does not wish to dig deep setting up/using the very in depth modulator functionality that is already provided.

Note: CPU can get high depending on the quality settings and options used. Be mindful of what you use, the settings that you choose and how much you chose to modulate as well as what you chose to modulate. You may need to compromise in regards to Sound vs. CPU. Overall though, CPU is on par with other soft synths and lower CPU patches generate awesome sounds regardless.

PS: I never give a 10 as a rating. 9 is the highest I am willing to go for any review. There is always something that can be improved. MPowerSynth is a very solid 9.

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Reviewed By DIGIFEX [all]
January 21st, 2015
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

Well, what's so special about this synth? Why rate it 10/10?
I could simply state here, that MPS can do Morphing between up to four selected presets (and I mean presets - not parameters), it has oscillators with terrific sound quality on offer that sport an architecture never seen before, it's got a state of the art modulation system and an effects section that will even make that of your DAW sweat. You can build up modular synth structures in the effects department. But read more to get your mouth watering:

1. General sound quality (which may arguably be most important): It's top notch to say the least. If you like the sound of oscillators free of artefacts this one deserves the highest rate. (You can easily measure it by using appropriate plugins if you like). Anyway, if some grit is what you're after, you can easily dial this in by MPowerSynths numerous parameters and effects. If you're not using the fastest computer, there are different ways to save CPU power by reducing oversampling and the like. So there's nothing much to complain about here.

2. Main settings: As in mostly every aspect of the synth, MPS has it's own innovative way to handle things here. For example you can scale the interface as you like, which is nothing new, but you can not just select one of a few zoom settings, but completely scale the interface to your liking in every dimension. You can then save the final look on the screen to be recalled for any instance you will fire up. Furthermore you may select between a bunch of skins from minimalistic vector graphics to more 3D photorealistic looks if this is your cup of tea. One also can select between using sliders or knobs in the main part of every section (oscillators, filters, etc.)
There's also an extensive set of parameters to handle global parameters like pitch, velocity shape (freely paintable in a graph), polyphony etc. You can choose between an extensive range of polyphony settings, including "Trigger" which provides a staccato behaviour, where every note release event is ignored. You can easily set up any sound for use wiht a sequencer this way for example. Want to set up automatic chord play for note events? You can freely define up to six notes here with individual tuning, delay, velocity range, etc.
There's a global envelope that controls the overall signal over time as well. All envelopes in MPS are quite complex if you want them to be but can be programmed easily.

3. Oscillators/Sound Generation: This is a part where MPS really shines. There's nothing out there that rivals it in this regard (as far as I know). There are three oscillators plus a noise generator. So what can these oscillators do for you? Well, they are not sample players - if this is what you're after, go elsewhere. But what makes it different from other oscillators is that it handles waves and harmonics at the same time.
You can switch between two views while the first shows you a waveform which can continuously be morphed by using an extensive set of parameters. It's possible to morph between clasic waveforms like sine and pulse and anything in between by using only one knob. The resulting waveform can then be altered by waveshaping - the shaping wave can be drawn freely into a graph. Of course all these parameters can be modulated if desired. But there's more: You can analyze audio files to create new waveforms if you like to; and the results of some testing I did here where very pleasing: I put in some Tangerine Dream like samples and I was almost there creating a Waldorf PPG sound. Very nice!
One can manipulate the waveform also by using a step sequencer - and this is a very special beast: You can first dial in steps here with lots of different curves to choose from. Anything is possible. What's so special about the step seuencer is that it does alter the waveform itself, not modulate any parameter over time. There's a knob that controls the amount by which the step sequencer curve changes the waveform. You can generate wave sequencing effects this way. But it's not classical wave sequencing, it's something you won't find anywhere else. And of course the amount of the step sequencer's influence on the wave can be modulated by envelopes or LFOs (which I'm talking about later).
Any waveform created the way described above can be transformed into harmonics by the click of a button. You may then do further edting on the level and phase of up to 256 harmonic partials that can be painted into the harmonics graphs. But what strikes me most here is the harmonics editor. You may know harmonics graphs from many other applications and some let you paint just odd or even partials by using special tools or the like. But the result of this painting is a static sound which needs to be brought to live by modulating filters, right? Or by altering harmonic spectra for an endless amount of breakpoints in a timeline if your synth does something like that.
MPS' harmonic generator sports a set of nine parameters each of which alters the harmonics of spectra in a different, but sonically pleasing way. For example by changing only base harmonics, simulating a harmonizer or even noise effects. And since these are parameters you can change by turning a knob they are also fully modulatable. Put an LFO for modulation on one of the harmonic generator's parameters and watch the partials in the level and phase window change over time while playing notes. How's that folks?
So, if that ain't enough for you - how about using the random function for an oscillator? You can generate a random waveform and then alter it by generating a random sequence in the oscillator's step sequencer. It's easy to generate new waveforms and you may save them for later use if you like to. (MPS comes with lots of ready to use waveforms by the way). The random feature works as well using the harmonics view of the oscillator.
Each of the 3 oscillators has it's own envelope with features identical to the global one.
And if 3 oscillators are not enough for you - read further.

4. Filters: Well there are 2 filters and you get everything you may know from convetional synths here and more - there's a drive module with continous morphing of drive type (modulatable), not only resonance but also resonance range adjustable and no less than 100 filter types to choose from (including formant, comb and polymorph settings) to name just a few features. Each filter has it's own complex envelope and many parameters can be controlled via velocity or keyboard scaling.
Of course you can store any filter setting if you like or select from many already existing filter presets. It may not surprise you that filter settings or the envelope can be created randomly if desired.

5. Modulation/Sound manipulation: MPS is equipped with a quite unconventional but rather effective modulation system. It's not a matrix, like it can be found in most other synths. But the advantage here is that you can easily route a modulator to any number of targets by quickly using the modulators learn feature. To do this via a conventional matrix would be tedious work to do. There are 8 modulators in all, each of which can act either as an envelope, an LFO a step sequencer and what's special: it can act as a combination of these if desired. So creating things like a slowly swelling vibrato is quickly done. And you can create the most complex modulation curves of course if needed. You can also choose a random modulation algorithm with a complex set of parameters to select.
Well you nailed it: Of course you can create any custom modulation by using one of the random buttons in the modulation section.
Additionally you get 8 renamable macro knobs which can be routed to any set of parameters you like - powerful stuff in here as well. You may then use these macro knobs for life performance. Did I mention that all settings in the modulation section can be stored for using them later - and of course there's a bunch of existing presets to choose from.

6. Arpeggiator: One of the most powerful implementations I've come across so far. Polyphony for chord arpeggiation, event based sequences, classic arpeggiation patterns, velocity per event and so much more - it's all there. And if you are getting lazy: use the numerous random features for every section of the ARP.

7. Effects section: Well it's almost impossible to describe what's going on here in a few sentences. One could write a complete review on this section alone. I'd strongly recommend to fire up the demo version and have a closer look here. What you get is a complete arsenal of effects - but not only delay, chorus and stuff like that. Rotary speaker simulation with up to 6 speakers (very complex!) and so much more can be found here. But not enough: You can choose from a set of tone generators (oscillators, noise generators, complete granular engine), filters, combiners, mixer modules and more which make it possible to build a modular synth from the ground up here. So if MPS' 3 oscillators are not enough for you, it's easy to build up anything you need with the supplied building blocks. You get a complete graphical representation of the signal flow to keep you informed. And if you feel uninspired you can let MPS do the work for you and generate a random modular structure.

8. Documentation/Help: MPS doesn't use a user manual in PDF form. Instead you can click on a help button in any section that will reveal what's going on and which parameter does what. It's context sensitive - you may like it or not.

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