Is it possible to fix a mix that's been pushed too hard?

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A friend of mine wanted to use this in a mix but its been well overcooked.

Is there any way to lessen the pumping? ... urne-recut
Fight Apathy or don't.


Mix the same accapella underneath, to fill up the gaps a bit.

You can rip stems for more control etc. Recreate.. Depends how much time you're willing to spend on this.


Ignoring the legal complications, NO is the best answer. Once merged, audio does not really come apart: ... s-to-work/

OMG that is distressing on several fronts. You could try an inverse level curve by putting the track into the project at exactly the tempo and creating an upward level curve to offset that sickening lurch into the void. BUT it will simply sound more processed and weirder for the issue being less obvious - like one of those surgery Barbie women.

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