Beginners guide

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Is there a "how to get started doing your first song"-video somewhere?

I have spent an illegal amount of time looking for this (but instead find lots of short detailed videos about very narrow and specific aspects of the software).

This seems like a very very interesting piece of well built software but it would be good if the entrance threshold could be a bit less steep for potential new users lacking prior DAW experience.

Thank you!


NB: Although this video was made with MuLab 7 and many things have been tweaked visually, the principles are still the same.


Thank you!

I guess since you recommend this video, the mentioned visual changes will not make it hard to follow?

Any other complementary resource to this video for beginners that you could point to?

I often online read that Mulab (even though being said to be sophisticated and deep) nevertheless is *particularly* great for beginners; and that is why I was a bit confused to not find much material for this specific group of users.

Again thank you!


I really should make a getting started video for M9. Maybe one of these days...
My Setup.
Now goes by Eurydice(Izzy) - she/her :hug:


Videos is in my book much preferred to written guides.

But if there are no updated "How to get started doing your first song"-videos, might there be a written guide somewhere? (Instead of the offical docs merely explaining all the many detailed functions?).


Radux wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:02 pm I guess since you recommend this video, the mentioned visual changes will not make it hard to follow?
Any other complementary resource to this video for beginners that you could point to?
All videos are here:
I often online read that Mulab (even though being said to be sophisticated and deep) nevertheless is *particularly* great for beginners; and that is why I was a bit confused to not find much material for this specific group of users.
It's planned to add more videos on short term, also about all the basics of MuLab.
But i'm now first working on VST3 support, and so those new videos will be for thereafter.

Question: Did you see the above tutorial movie?
Which specific questions do you still have about MuLab?


You are adding vst3?!

Did i read that correctly?


That would be so amazing if you do........


Sat down for an hour and covered most of what one needs to get started making music in Mulab. Enjoy!
My Setup.
Now goes by Eurydice(Izzy) - she/her :hug:


Big up to you sir. Mulab is easy to grok but I'm sure I'll learn new things from your guide. And vst3 support huh? Jo will probably make it a . 01 release where many others would base a whole new version number on just that. (I kid, it will be a .1 release. Version number humor) VST3Shell has worked well for me but it's great to hear. Good day-


Another one, this time doing some basic subtractive sound design to make an ambient track :D

If anyone has any video requests please let me know! It's a lot of fun for me!
My Setup.
Now goes by Eurydice(Izzy) - she/her :hug:


Hi @dakkra! I wanted to start by saying thanks for your awesome videos – they're super helpful!

I've got a cool idea I'd love to share with you :wink: What do you think about creating a complete song tutorial in MuLab? It could cover the basics of MuLab, composition, arrangement, and music production in a friendly and approachable way. Kind of like the "First MIDI Song in REAPER" series, but tailored to MuLab. I think it could be a fantastic resource for MuLab. 😊


+1 :tu:


Not quite what you were asking for (guided tour of the app and features) but it shows my basic process of taking a track from start to finish. Features:
- Audio Recording
- Sound Design
- Mixing
- Basic Masterting
- Sequencing
- Composing
- Use of samples
- Audio routing and bussing
- Sidechain compression
- Using MUX to chain when out of space on a rack
- Automation to make transitions

I'll need some time to make a proper guided tour. Need to make a script, demo projects, etc... Maybe when I have some more free time :D
My Setup.
Now goes by Eurydice(Izzy) - she/her :hug:


Thanks great video!

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