Issues with audio in Mulab when plugging or unplugging headphones

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I've recently bought a new laptop (Medion), and after moving everything from my old laptop (Acer) to it, I noticed that when I'm using Mulab, if I plug or unplug my headphones into the laptop, the audio stops playing completely, and even pressing the play button won't start playing the tracks again; Mulab also gets somewhat slower after this happens

Ive reached out to Mulab support and they told me this is due to the fact that switching the audio setup while Mulab is active isnt supported

Even so, I have two other laptops at home where I can run Mulab without facing this issue; and at this point I suspect it may be some issue with the laptop itself, maybe with the audio drivers
Its also probably worth mentioning I've had this issue only with Mulab and no other program (VLC, games, browsers)

It's at this point maybe not really a Mulab question anymore, but I'd like to know if anyone has ever had a similar issue, and if so how did they solve it (if they did solve it); or if anyone really has any tips or tricks on how to find the cause/solution

Mulab support has already given me a workaround which bypasses the issue, but stopping the audio engine before I plug or unplug headphones is somewhat annoying to do, especially when I never had this issue before
(I'll reach out to the laptop manufacturer as well at this point, once i figure why their support form doesn't work :ud: )



Perhaps this is useful for troubleshooting your system: ... 35c7cd56c8


Are you using a dedicated audio interface with ASIO drivers and plugging the headphones into the audio interface? This should work okay with no problems.

Are you using MME built-in audio and using a phone plug into the headphone out? Depending on the soundcard driver, this might work okay - but some soundcards don't declare connections that aren't in use. The advice below on switching MME to ASIO and back might work.

Otherwise, if you're using USB or bluetooth headphones, essentially you're adding a completely new audio interface when you connect the headphones. As a minimum you'd need to go into Audio Setup and switch from MME to ASIO, click OK, then go back to Audio Setup and switch back to MME to see if the interface has appeared. Probably the MME configuration is already stored and nothing will change - you'd need a restart.

If you're using ASIO4ALL, then you'll not be able to get around having to restart MuLab, I don't think, as the ASIO4ALL settings will be read the first time you access it.

So best advice: plug the headphones in before running MuLab :).


Yes I've got the same issues since buying a Samsung laptop. Never happened on my older Lenovo. Sometimes Mulab has to be opened twice to acknowledge the headphones. Live performance was difficult because I had to plugin into the PA using the headphone socket which froze mulab. So I had to reopen the the project. I'll read the posts above to see if there's a solve for this.
Aka Midland Synthetics


Oh, and the problem needing to restart MuLab twice could be because the driver providing the connection needs restarting after a "failure" to clean up, but still doesn't update - it wants another restart to actually provide the new connection.

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