Waveform 12.1.3 stops responding if I hit play

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I just updated to 12.1.3. Now if I load my sample project (which is one of the samples that shipped with waveform way back) if I hit play, none of the UI is responsive, I can't click any buttons (including stop), spacebar doesn't stop it either.

I have to force quit the app.

Makes it pretty much unusable.

Windows 11 Enterprise, fully patched etc.


nobody else seen this? I wonder if some plugin that it used has been discontinued. How does one even start to debug this?


I would go in one direction or the other.

A. Start with nothing and add things until you get the problem
B. Start with the problematic Edit and delete things until the problem goes away

NOTE: I haven't really* seen this but I have also never run the sample songs.

* At least one plugin has caused a slow-down issue for me (Crystalline) but it's only when the song is running AND the plugin UI is open. It's also just slow, it doesn't completely freeze me out.
the old free version may not work boots successfully on new generations of computers, instruments, and hardware


I started playing with settings, set to use all cores, and also to use 44.1kHz sample rate. Now it works fine. I wonder if it was some weird ASIO sharing thing. I have RME Babyface Pro FS, and it shares ASIO interface with multiple apps, other ones are set to 44.1k.


I've had the same problem on Ubuntu 22.10 running Waveform 12.3 so it's not necessarily a Windows thing. Fortunately closing out of Waveform and getting back up and running again is super fast so the crashes aren't so bad. Not sure what causes it. Also had a problem with the app hanging when using freeze points when using Windows VSTS with Yabridge on Ubuntu.


Hey, I have the same problem here in 2024!!! Is there already any solution to this? When I press play, everything stops responding until the song plays all the way through.


SOLVED: While copying some existing clips for my next part of the song, Waveform created some ghost clips, which were very small and barely visible no matter how close I zoomed in. I had to move all the "healthy" clips to the side, then drag a box around the "ghosts" and deleted them. Since then the project behaves normally.


OK, not solved. After the cleanse of the clips, it worked fine, but when I attempted to continue with the song and I started moving into the area where the "ghost" clips were, it started freezing again. Seem like I cannot go beyond a certain point in this project. I will have to save it track by track and recreate it again from scratch.


Hi - I just found this thread and wonder if you have a moment to read some of my comments on the 13.0.40 thread here:


Sounds like similar symptoms.
Ryzen 5 8600G, 32GB DDR5, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Waveform Pro 13, Mixbus Pro 10, Reaper 7, Bitwig 5.1.

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