Architect: NI Razor in Reaktor Player causing crash + Tracktion F'em slow response

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A few issues with various plugins I've encountered in using Architect:

In Architect standalone or VST, opening NI Razor 1.5 in Reaktor Player 6.4.3 crashes Architect immediately. I can open Reaktor successfully, but loading Razor reliably causes a quick crash. I do not own the full version of Reaktor or any other Reaktor instruments so I have not tested with anything other than Razor. I get the same result loading Reaktor Player as an AU or a VST

Tracktion F'em causes a massive slowdown in Architect standalone and VST. When loading the plugin on a mixer channel, Architect takes a few seconds. Once loaded, switching to the Architect Mixer panel from any other panel produces a beachball and happens painfully slow. Usually a lag of 8 to 10 seconds before the mixer panel shows. F'em definately opens more slowly than most other plugins I own in my other hosts, but nothing like in Architect.

In Architect standalone and VST Renoise Redux can cause the same channel phase offset behavior as ZebraHZ I described recently in another topic (viewtopic.php?t=585672) when adding some of it's internal effects to a patch. Without adding any effects Redux behaves as expected.

I'm using a 2018 Mac Mini running Big Sur 11.6.8

Despite these issues I've had some total magic moments working with Architect since I recently installed the demo. Thanks for making such a cool app @colin@loomer


Noted all these, and I'll have a look into them.

I may have to come back to you for more info if I struggle to reproduce the issues, if thats OK?
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Absolutely! Let me know what you need


F.'em is known having tens of thousands of parameters. Some hosts work very slow in such case.


Yes, I think that is the cause. I deliberately don't enumerate the parameters of a plug-in until the parameter properties are opened, but it seems that somewhere else in the codebase the amount of parameters is causing slowdowns. I should be able to work around it by removing this unneeded parameter scan.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Making some progress on this. I can confirm that it is, as was suggested above, due to the amount of parameters in a hosted plug-in. I created a sample plug-in with a silly amount of parameters - 32,000 - and it does indeed grind the mixer UI to a beaching-ball spinning halt for a while. But I now know which parts of the codebase are being stressed by this, and so can come up with some solution.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.



I have this fixed now. I've basically added custom parameters selection to plug-ins, which means that the parameters will not be all loaded up front. Could I send you a beta build to check if this works for you?
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Absolutely. PM when you’re ready

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