Is this site still active/legit?

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I stumped upon this link while searching for samples. I've been a fan of AMG since the oldschool BigFishAudio era (its by far not the same these days). I see there is a huge library made available on the amg site, but when I click explore at the bottom it goes to another site that has 404 errors when clicking individual library links. Some things there seem a little shady. If this is legit though that's great news. Im just a little skeptical right now based on the websites.

I sent a message to "Contact Us" and i get an auto email from
"[my name]"
I also sent a message on reasonrefills_com to find out about and have also received an auto email from the same exact address. This raises questions.

If I click a purchase link it goes to another site dropswitch.cartloom_com. Same as the email. Is this legit or a scam? Can anyone confirm? The AMG twitter seems active and legit, but the site raises questions.


Yes that's all valid etc. Email if needing reassurance but it's simply another domain we use. It's where the links are from for downloads. I understand the concern but it's us. I do need to find time to go round all the sites and check for bad links etc. It seemed like a good idea to have lots of sites at one time. Not so much these days.

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