Windows Zebra 2 complains about the plugin version when loading a Linux created patch

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If I create a synth patch in the Linux version of Zebra 2, and try to load the patch in the Windows version of Zebra 2, the plugin reports a warning that I'm using too old version of the plugin for that synth patch. Both Windows and Linux run Zebra v2.9.2.

This happens every single time.

The patches work as expected, and obviously I get rid of the warning by saving it again. Still, this is a bit irritating (albeit sustainable).


It's a safety measure to prevent users from loading presets made with newer versions in older versions, because they might not sound as intended.

It happens because the Linux version is a few hundred revisions ahead of the Windows version.
We cannot always release the Linux versions at the same time as the Windows and Mac versions, that's why this quirk can happen if you are using Linux and another OS.

Saving the preset in the Linux version is the way to get rid of the warning.
That QA guy from planet u-he.

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