keyboard playing

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Im playing a base note with my left hand and a chord with my right. When im playing ,lets say, Am to C major striking D and E note you dont hear the transition. I tried different presets none of them work. Is there a setting to fix this? I have used other arps such as cthulhu,bluarp and they all sound the transition of notes. Thanks.


I'm not sure what do you mean with transitions, but maybe you are talking about the static/free modes (static by default). Try to switch them opening the Open Arpeggiator Settings entry in the Phrase Editor menu. In that window, switch the rightmost button to Free mode.


Thanks for the response. By transition I mean when I play C maj chord and move my finger from the E note to the f note while playing the C maj chord the stab preset e.g. is heard. The problem starts when I play the left hand as a base C note togheter with the right hand. I tried changing the phrase setting, no change.


I still do not understand fine, however I suspect you are trying to play a 4-note chord (your left hand bass and your right hand 3-notes) in a 3-note Nora preset (the most of them are 3-note). Try changing the amount of notes from Phrase Options in the same menu, switch notes to 4, and fill its note lane with something.

I hope it helps!


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