I've just been thinking lately.

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I bet you would make a hell of a compressor. :party:


It's just that Valhalla DSP seems to have become a household name for reverb. Sometimes it's better to stick to your niche even though you're able to develop other things.
Then again, why not start a company for compressors, and call it Ragnarok DSP.


Valhalla is very good at reproducing sound and the plugs add great dynamics. I could see a stereo compressor with a gate. Makes sense to me. Just thought I would toss it out there.


Would definitely welcome it.


With dynamic de essing and multiple compressor algos including tape.


Still never heard a digital compressor that sounds as good as analogue units, that's not the case for reverb. So I stay stick with the reverb/modulation Sean!


I would hope Valhalla keeps specialising in interesting plugins


My take on all this:

I've been designing reverbs since 1999 (and professionally since 2000). I'm coming up on 18 years of experience in this field. And that has been SOLID experience, where I am working on reverbs anywhere from a small-yet-significant percentage of my work time (in the early years) to pretty much constantly (2008 through today).

This puts me in a set of folks that are career reverb designers. And roughly in the middle of the experience curve. Someone like Martin Lind has been doing this as long as I have. Casey from Bricasti has been doing it for significantly longer. Michael Carnes started at Lexicon in the late 80s, and worked there for over 20 years before forming Exponential Audio. It takes a LOT of time and experience to get good at this stuff.

Meanwhile, I've designed compressors and limiters in the past. They sounded pretty good, by the standards of the mid-2000s. By today's standards...well, I'm not sure, because I haven't been tracking the state of the art in compressors. But I know that there are developers out there who work on compressors & limiters, day in and day out, and have been doing so for a long time.

I forget who came up with the "10000 hours" idea, but it really seems true. The more time you put into something, the better you get. This also means that, once you have put over 10K hours into a specialized field, you know how hard it is to become halfway decent at that field. And this gives you a healthy respect for people that are specialized in other fields.

Conclusion: I might work on compressors in the future, but I don't have any current plans to do so. I would have to put in a few years of R&D, before I felt that my work would be worthy of standing up to the state of the art plugins that are already out there.


But surely you must see there's an opening in the market for THE compressor

I mean, there are only a handful of compressors to choose from
Amazon: why not use an alternative


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