My letter to Mackie tech support.

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Thanks james pearson

We sent an email to regarding:

You wrote:
I understand that you are quality checking the maintenance builds for Tracktion but haven't released the latest version by making it available for download. Please do. We, the users, depend on these updates as Tracktion is a constant work in progress and Jules works hard to keep it up-to-date. Thank you. James


Actually there've been a few last-minute changes to the latest build, so don't blame Mackie for this. It's better to have a bit of a delay than to release something that's broken and have to then quickly fix it.. (like I used to do in the good old days!)


Is a new build about to be released? I hope the hanging note issues are sorted.
Every day takes figuring out all over again how to f#ckin’ live.


and rack initialising.


jules wrote:It's better to have a bit of a delay than to release something that's broken and have to then quickly fix it.. (like I used to do in the good old days!)
No, it's not better. It's fun to be part of the development. I'd prefer if you'd go back to the old way of releasing updates. As you said: the GOOD old days.

Cheers, Pädy


Pädy wrote:
jules wrote:It's better to have a bit of a delay than to release something that's broken and have to then quickly fix it.. (like I used to do in the good old days!)
No, it's not better. It's fun to be part of the development. I'd prefer if you'd go back to the old way of releasing updates. As you said: the GOOD old days.
Cheers, Pädy
Pädy, i'm with you !!!
Mackie killed the fun side of Tracktion... :cry:


Damn right. I like to live on the beelding edge. White knuckle software. The thrill of the unknown. A dance with danger.

ahem - sorry got a little bit carried away there.

I can see why Mackie are not so enthusiastic about the old "we're all beta testers" approach, but I'm sure a halfway approach could be found where a collection of users could beta even minor point releases prior to release. This could benefit the community in two ways - firstly a wide beta program is always preferable to a narrow one, even for small releases. Secondly however, much of the noise right now is about longstanding bugs and a seeming lack of movement in Tracktion's development.

I think that would change dramtically though if even a few users were in the position of being able to say "the good news is, that problem looks like it will be fixed in the next release". I know if was troubled by a bug the wait for a fix release would be far less long if I had good reason to beleive the wait would be worth it. A few beta users reporting that the bug had vanished would at least let me know that a fix had been made even if I have no timescale for when that fix would be publicly available. Right now though I'm blind on both counts, and clearly a lot of people are feeling teh same and finding it frustrating.
Someone shot the food. Remember: don't shoot food!


I don't think we can have it both ways. Many people asked if Mackie could apply some muscle to beta testing before releases. It looks like they are.

Yes, Jules mentioned that there was a maintenance build ready months ago. Obviously, there have been delays but that's spilt milk. It's in Mackie's hands now.

I don't want to upset Mackie, just apply a little friendly pressure to remind them that there is an existing user-base for version 1.

Thanks Jules.


Nothing but white-knuckle screamingly quick updates with EnergyXT!

Not to take anything away from Tracktion-- they marry up very well, still, imo, even with the advent of rack filters.


was PDC fixed for racks?


well whatever mackie is doing they better make a better or more detailed manual...



rpc9943 wrote:well whatever mackie is doing they better make a better or more detailed manual...

This forum is the manual :lol:
Robert T


I, for one, am glad he doesn't rush out releases. I have no interest in white-knuckle software. If some want to be part of an organized beta program, I'm all for it. All I want is to make music. I havn't had trouble with any bugs in T, but I wouldn't want to mess with even more bugs in each release. If he rushed out releases, I'd be complaining about the frustration the new bugs, so you can't please everyone. :(

I vote for methodical testing, not frequent releases! :)


RitualFire wrote:I vote for methodical testing, not frequent releases! :)
Oh, you're no fun anymore... :D :P



I originally advocated closed beta-testing by Mackie when they bought Tracktion and I still do. I only like beta-testing stuff when I'm given the product for free ;)

So this setup is great from my viewpoint - only one thing I'd change, which has been discussed before:

a central bug/issue database where issues or problems can be reported, after which Mackie and/or Jules lets us know whether this is not a bug but a feature, is a real bug and will be fixed asap, is a low-priority, is a feature for future versions of Tracktion etc. Its easy to wait for a well-tested update, especially when you know your issues are being heard.

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