Tracktion copy protection?

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KVR-VST lists the copy protection of Tracktion as being "challenge/response", but the Tracktion website makes it sound a little more agreeable... from the sound of things, you submit a machine code and get a serial number specific to your computer, and I am assuming that you can uninstall/reinstall to that machine as much as you want with that same code without having to reactivate or connect with Mackie/RawMaterialSoftware in any way. Can any Tracktion users confirm or deny this? How exactly does the copy protection work?


this is challenge response..... IK Multimedia has the same strategy... but with IK you can even reinstall XP and your codes are still valid... Tracktion doesn't let you do this.


Rats, that sucks. Oh well, thanks for the response. :)


well... it's not that bad... how often do you reinstall your OS ??? and you have to MAchine IDs so it's really no big deal


That's odd... how'd this get into the "Site Stuff" forum? I could've sworn I posted it in "Hosts" ...

Anyway, I do reinstall XP fairly often, though I've been considering switching to a Mac lately and things might be different on that platform.

I've got the demo. I love the design philosophy but I'll toy with it some more to decide whether I like the design itself.

If I decide I like it, I may just go ahead and bit the bullet. I dislike all intrusive copy protection, particularly challenge/response, and I generally try to avoid software that forces people to check in before they can work (what if the dongle breaks, or the server goes down, or the company goes out of business, or the author dies?), but when it only costs $80, the edge is taken off a bit, I suppose.



If I purchase Tracktion,...will I be able to install to my 1st testing/internet partiton as well as my 2nd "DAW" partiton?


You get two serial numbers with a Tracktion purchase, so even if they're different on the different partitions (not sure if they will be or not), you should be fine.

Also, you can change your machine number as many times as you want (just don't do it too many times within a short period of time, else it locks you out for 30 days), so if you install it on your testing partition, then decide to uninstall it there and move it to your main DAW partition, you can just change your machine code.

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-- Travis, Side

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